wondering if anybody would have the text to voice files for older 910

Jan 12, 2010
in doing some research on this forum, the older 910 had only a certian voices that accually call out street names and even when I do get my home dock this coming week I will not be able to add them from the tomtom home page, and there is none loaded on the one I got for some unknown reason, would it be possible if anybody on here has the file with the orginal voices that you could send atleast one to me threw emial or something like that? I believe that there is only 3 working voices loaded on this one and none are text to speech, all the other ones say load disk or dl from tomtom over them, I do still have the back up that I created when I had the 510 and I know that there was a ton of regular voice (none text to speach) that were unlocked on that one, would I be able to copy just that file and transfer it to the 910 and atleast be able to use those voices if I cant seem to get text to speach voices?
The 510 use recorded human voice files, you can find these in the "voices" folder, each voice will comprise of two or three files, copy all these from the voices folder to the voices folder on the 910.

Now for 910 TTS voices, these were very different to the TTS voices employed on the later x20, x30, x40 and x50 devices at around 400MB for a single voice its not really viable to start e-mailing them!

The following were all on the 910 when new:

Dutch Saskia/ Willem
EnglishGB Kate/ Simon
EnglishUS Dave/ Susan
French Bernhard/ Juliette
German Katrin/ Stefan
Italian Luca/ Paola
Portugal Amalia/ Eusebio
Spanish Carman/ Jorge

I guess I could fire one or two of these up to one of the file share sites but even the smallest voice file zipped up is over 225MB, otherwise PM me your address and I will put the whole lot on a DVD as thats going to be quicker - Mike

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