Why is route planning so annoying?

Aug 6, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO 620
I'm trying to plan a route to a particular location in Barnt Green, but the new TomTom route planner refuses to accept all my instructions. I've tried adding small increments to the last part of the route, to force it to go the way I want, but when I add one other stop, just up the road from the intended destination, it decides to go in the opposite direction and do a detour around the local estate roads. Even if I plan a route using ITN Converter, which does plan the correct route, as soon as I import it into the TomTom route planner, it resorts to the route I have outlined above. Stupid or what? The old TomTom route planner was much better from what I remember.
TomTom Route 2.jpg
When I use the online TT route planner, the reason is obvious. Not sure why this isn't showing up on yours. Is the blockage real?

What url are you using for the online planner? https://plan.tomtom.com/en/route/plan/ ??

Oh, my error - I hadn't got the traffic/incidents feature turned on. Thanks for pointing that out. I feel a bit foolish now!
Oh, my error - I hadn't got the traffic/incidents feature turned on. Thanks for pointing that out. I feel a bit foolish now!
No worries. At least we know it wasn't running you 'round the barn for no reason!

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