Why are the prices in Euros?

Sep 17, 2007
Just got my TomTom last week. I noticed all the prices to download new maps, voices etc are in Euros. Why is this? Did I do something wrong with installation and it thinks I am in a country that uses Euros? Any help would be appreciated on this.
IIRC, that is another problem fixed with HOME v2.0. It will display the correct currency for the selected country.

It shows Euros for me even though my profile has the correct country and my TT Home 2.0 prefs has the correct country, so I would say that it 2.0 doesn't fix it at all.
I can't confirm it now because I uninstalled the program and didn't save the executable but it was the very first release of the BETA. I know there was an update to HOME v2.0 maybe that what changed? :confused:
sounds like some of us have the problem, some of us don't.

how do i download home 2.0? the only one i can find is version 1.5.
i guess my other questions would be, am i charged the euro rate if i download the map and then it's converted to USD? what i'm looking at is $59.95 euros, which converts to about $82 us dollars, which seems a little steep to me. seems like if i could see the values in USD then the price would probably be more reasonal (i'm looking at the new england/northeast area map).
okay. just recently my tomtom home version updated to 2.0. i still see prices in Euros. i check my preference and they are set to United States and English. Signing onto the web site, it's the same thing. so why aren't the prices shown in USD?
If you want to buy something like maps, stay off of TT Home. Got to the TT website, make sure you are logged on and that you are set to US location.. Funny thing though - they are showing hardly any maps available to the US right now.

Other accessories are there and in dollars though.

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