white screen fix tomtom go 720

Feb 17, 2008
Hi, I have a TomTom that was a gift for Christmas. It has been having some problems with turning on. It will show a white screen, show the yellow screen with the picture of someone putting the TomTom in a bag. The only way to fix this is to reset the device. However, after a couple more times of turning off and on the device, it will go back to the white screen. I hope the resolution is not to keep resetting the device because i'm not sure how long the reset button will hold up for. I have dloaded the latest update from http://tomtom.com/8578 and this has not worked. please advise the repair process for me here in Australia.

Sent the above email to TomTom support team, and received the below response..

Please note that the link you have provided us is from the US website and should not be accessible to you through the Australia site. In this e-mail you mention you have a Go 720 and the instructions provided are for a Tom Tom ONE 3rd edition.

Please go into My Documents > Tom Tom HOME > Download, and delete everything inside the Download folder. Exit Tom Tom HOME completely.

Connect your Tom Tom to your computer and THEN switch it back on. Go into My Computer (Start menu or Desktop) and open the Tom Tom/Removable Disc drive. Copy the Australia folder (and any other map folders you may have installed), Voices folder and Zip (if there) to your computer. Once these yellow folders have been copied, go back to the main My Computer screen and right-click on the Tom Tom/Removable Disc drive. Select Format to format the internal memory of your Tom Tom.

Once format is complete, copy the 2+ yellow folders back to the Tom Tom/Removable Disc drive.

Relaunch Tom Tom HOME and select Update My Go. Follow the prompts to redownload and install the application for the Go 720. Once installation is complete go into the Device menu and select Disconnect Device. Only unplug the Tom Tom when you see the yellow bar shoot across the bottom of the Tom Tom. It should now boot up as normal.

After doing exactly as they said in the above instructions, now when i turn the tomtom on, it says "no maps". i am trying to copy and paste the Australia folder that i copied to my desktop, but when i open "my computer" now it doesn't find the tom tom. what do i do now?

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