which TT again doh !

Apr 22, 2009
hey guys, hows tricks

well, well truly landed now in Canada

PR card, SIN card, and swapped DL for a canadian one

So........ here we go again,

First numbnuts (me) managed to loose my original TT 1XL that dad got me
then bought another TT1XL as didnt want Dad to find out got one from a reseller which had an out of date map, but got TT to LMG it.

SO... I bought a US& Canada SIM, (tested it a few months ago when I came for a couple of weeks)

So landed on Monday, had UK SIM in the TT and could I find the Canada one no ! :(

So dilema I dont want to download a map, (internet issues on size) and TT Canada cant sell me one on SIM !
I might be able to get one from UK but after shipping and stuff, how much is this worth...

so popped into Futureshop and Staples in Miss (Heartlands)

and got the following 2 deals

1> TT ONE XL 330 $99

2> TT GO 630 $149 2 year extended $29

so.... what do you guys think

Missus said she'll buy me an early xmas pressie (the go 630)
will I regret it?

come on help us out here

The 630 will allow for an SD card -- that's a big plus. The 630 starts with twice the internal memory, so you get the mapset we know as the North America 2GB version. That's a plus. You get half again the CPU horsepower on the 630.

The 630 supports IQRoutes to greatly improve projections for time to objective based upon time of day and day of the week. Can have quite an impact on routing as a result. The 330 doesn't support this. That alone would be a deal breaker for me.

You get Text to Speech (spoken street names). The 325 and 330 don't offer that (unless you're talking 330S). Don't know if the Bluetooth handsfree is of value to you, but you get that on the 630, too. I insist on wiring the audio through my car audio system. Can do with 630. Can't with the 330. Last, if you can make it work for you, you can do spoken address input on the 630. I've had decent luck with that on my 720, but still wind up using my fingers most of the time.

Spend the extra $50!
thyankxs man

got the 630,
$149 and case and warantee and tax, came to a tad over $200, case reduced from 20 to 5 bucks :)

just noticed the sim card

so it has internal memory in it? I tried connecting my UK map from the 1XL and it freezes on the opening screen.. desnt go any further, is this becuase it is here and not in uk

Ipowered thye 1xl with uk map and it worked?


thyankxs man

got the 630,
$149 and case and warantee and tax, came to a tad over $200, case reduced from 20 to 5 bucks :)

just noticed the sim card

so it has internal memory in it? I tried connecting my UK map from the 1XL and it freezes on the opening screen.. desnt go any further, is this becuase it is here and not in uk

Ipowered thye 1xl with uk map and it worked?



The map card has application files on it, as the 1XL needs to have application and map on the same SD card.

The 630 can run an app from he internal memory, and a map from an SD. Problem is if it sees an app in both places, it prioritizes the SD app (which is what you don't want in your case).

Just backup the SD card, and delete everything on it except for the UK/ROI folder, and that should leave the map alone on the card. It might start up that way. If not, try deleting mapsettings.cfg from the UK/ROI folder and see if that helps the startup.

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