Where can i buy new maps?

Feb 28, 2008
I bought a TomTom One XL about 6 months ago. I havent really updated it much as the software that TomTom has is rather buggy. Im running Windows Vista Ultimate x64 edition. Im very computer savvy, so i know what im doing. I guess my question is where can i get the latest maps and what is the most current software for the TomTom?
I bought a TomTom One XL about 6 months ago. I havent really updated it much as the software that TomTom has is rather buggy. Im running Windows Vista Ultimate x64 edition. Im very computer savvy, so i know what im doing. I guess my question is where can i get the latest maps and what is the most current software for the TomTom?

I'd recommend you install the latest version of TomTom HOME and use that to update the software on your One XL. You can also check for newer map versions from HOME as well. You'll have to pay for the may updates. If you're looking for "other" ways to get maps, you're on your own.
I bought a TomTom One XL about 6 months ago. I havent really updated it much as the software that TomTom has is rather buggy. Im running Windows Vista Ultimate x64 edition. Im very computer savvy, so i know what im doing. I guess my question is where can i get the latest maps and what is the most current software for the TomTom?
Don't waste money on a new map more than once a year

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