What should I do to get the most out of my XL330S

Dec 30, 2009
My parents got me an XL 330 S for Christmas. I was going to take it back and exchange it for something that categorizes POI but my parents got a great deal on it and I really didn't want to spend anything extra so I went ahead and kept the 330. I searched and found that I should probably back it up on my computer (will be doing that tonight) but is there anything else I should do? Any free downloads on the Tomtom site that I should try?
If you were going to take it back what would you get? If this your first GPS?

This is my first GPS but I have used my parent Sony. Theirs has a feature that allows you to search for type (i.e. Mexican, American, Coffee Shop) of restaurant that I really liked. I noticed that Garmin and a few of the others had this but I would be getting an entry level model for the price so I kept this on. I'll check out the link above. I've read about alt. voices, are those ever free?
My parents got me an XL 330 S for Christmas. I was going to take it back and exchange it for something that categorizes POI

Tomtom's have lots of POI categories, but they don't subcategorize restaurants.

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