What is the difference...

Aug 12, 2010
Hello group.

I have my neighbor's TomTom XL N14644. On the bottom decal are other series of numbers, one of which is "Canada 310". The unit is in need of a screen replacement. There are numerous tutorials on UTube showing how simple it is to replace the screen so we're trying to give that a go. But, in trying to locate the correct screen replacement part I'm running up against offers for screens including screens for the TomTom ONE XL and the TomTom XL. There are offers for the GO model as well as models that don't fit the description of this XL.

Question: Does anyone know if a ONE XL and a {plain} XL are one and the same? Or are they substantially different.

Question: Also too if anyone has a decent outlet for TT-XL screen parts they can recommend (other than TT direct), I'd appreciate some links or phone numbers.



From these replies (and seeing no others this morning), I gather that there is no good outlet for TT parts? One wants to wisely avoid eBay, I know.

And, again, does anyone know if the TT ONE XL is indeed the same animal as the TT XL?

There is no model specifically just called a TomTom XL. There was a ONE XL model released in 2007.

See the complete list of products here.
OK, perfect!

That's the advice I was looking for....

Sorry there doesn't appear to be a general supply outlet for screen modules, unfortunately. My searching has dug up 'zero' in terms of trustworthy sources...

Thank you very much!


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