What is latest map??

Dec 28, 2007
Morden, Manitoba, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 2
I have a 7.15 in my RR2. TomTom site shows that 7.25 is the most current map, but I was speaking to a TT Tech IRT another issue and he thinks that an 8.20? is the latest.

When I am on the TT site, and logged on as being in Canada, the Canadian Map store is "closed for updating" and has been for as long as I have owned a TT.

The best way yo purchase maps and to see that is available is to do so through TT Home - Add Maps, etc. When the US Mapstore was down, this worked.

On the US map store, it shows map 725 as the latest. this I believe is because application versions 8.xx are not being set up for the rider, so 725 is the latest.

It is offering the N American map rather then the original US & Canada for $99 US. You missed a recent 25 or 30% map sale - might be worthwhile waiting for another sale...
I got a reply from TT support. The 725 is indeed the latest map for a Rider2.

If I go to add maps on HOME, the prices come up in Euro's, but that might not really matter.

I will wait, because the 725 does not correct a number of road deficiencys that the 715 has in Canada.

When/if the 810 becomes available (might also be outdated by then) I will have a peek and see if any changes have been made.

The 810 is available, but only to devices with 8.xx applications. TT has been holding back on making this available to various (usually older) models. They want to sell newer and upgraded devices of course.

You might try to pin them down as to if/when they will make it available for the Rider 2. Otherwise, you might never see it.
I emailed TT support as to how I can get a new 7.25 map.

I tried getting it thru the US site, wont accept my info. If I use HOME, it shows it in Euro's. The Canadian store has never been in operation for as long as I have had my Rider2.

Here is their reply:

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support regarding the purchasing of the latest maps. My name is Cassie and we are always happy to help.

"The Rider 2 is able to be updated to the map of US and Canada version 7.25. We do not have an estimated time of when the Web Shop will be able to process orders. We are unable to place manual orders either. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience."

Don't worry about the maps being in euros - they will be converted based on the card you use.

You might just want to check the conversion rates and see how it comes out in Canadian dollars to be sure that the price is OK with you.
Newbie Question

Sorry if this is off the subject. I have a Tom Tom One that is missing a bunch of streets in a neighboring city (San Mateo, CA). This city has been around for over a hundred years. Am I supposed to buy map updates to get these streets? How do I know if these streets are in the new maps before I buy?
Sorry if this is off the subject. I have a Tom Tom One that is missing a bunch of streets in a neighboring city (San Mateo, CA). This city has been around for over a hundred years. Am I supposed to buy map updates to get these streets? How do I know if these streets are in the new maps before I buy?

The newest map is 8.10 for the x20 and x30 units; I'm not sure what the latest is for the TT One. The best way to check the accuracy of the latest map is to post some specific street requests in the ONE forum and ask users to let you know if they exist.

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