What do ground colors indicate?

Apr 23, 2010
Hi I'm new to this forum. I just got my TT gps and I love it.

I can't figure something out. There are colors that indicate land and I don'tk now what the difference is. Blue is water. But ground is either green or beige. Sometimes beige is an incorporated city, but not always. And sometimes the map shows green and beige like a checker board.

Can anyone explain?
I don't know the model #. I just got this one. It's a tomtom with a 5.1" screen.

I've driven passed incorporated city boundaries and the color changes from green to beige but it doesn't happen all the time just sometimes. In urban areas sometimes it's a checkboard of green/beigh. I don't know what it means.
If you look at the contents of the unit with Explorer, you'll see a text file called ttgo.bif. If you look at it with Notepad (assuming a PC), the second line shows the model.)

The fact that it is a 5" screen means it is a new XXL 540 model.

If you just got it, I hope you made an Explorer, not Home backup of your unit's contents. If not, do so NOW!

Also, when you say you 'just got it', well, you are eligible for the Latest Map Guarantee if you are within the 30-day window (unless you already upgraded to the latest 845 map).


You are in a tricky time window if you haven't taken advantage of the LMG. You see, the last was out about February 27th. The next is due about the 3rd week of May, give or take a day.....

You don't want to lose the LMG but you don't want to update to 845 if you might be able to get 850.

So, I'd wait till day 26 of your 30 days (not later) and get whatever is the latest map then. (again, if you haven't already).
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There is no way to do that. What map version do you have and what is the choice for map colour on your unit?

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