Web Route Planner

Apr 13, 2012
United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 UK & Eire
I can add places on the Mobile App - but the Web app does not seem to allow for this. Why?
The My Driver App is rubbish at the moment (Tom Tom have just told me there are issues being fixed [heard that before])...

Reason for asking is when i click on a road on the map - it allows me to add in a place. Once done it appears 200 yards away and no where near where I placed it when adding. This has never happened before and it keeps happening.


No wonder Tom Tom do not have a direct link on the web to complain. They'd get too many complaints it would shut there servers down.
On Mydrive there are only house numbers which are listed on the Tomtom map so if you want to add a place add a number.
Not what I’m on about.
The app allows you to click on the map that creates a pin link to enable direction. It also allows you to add as a place. But it does not always add in the exact spot you select. This is happening more and more.
Not what I’m on about.
The app allows you to click on the map that creates a pin link to enable direction. It also allows you to add as a place. But it does not always add in the exact spot you select. This is happening more and more.
As Willy says, that's probably because when you add a point, TomTom is being cute and sending your point to the nearest known building with an address. We have a whole thread on this annoying behavior.
I see your point but this has never happened before. It has always allowed me to select a map position.
So this has started happening since any update or “improvement” Tom Tom has done!

A vast devolution in my opinion… alongside the sheer amount of problems they are causing that ought not to be!

Well on top of all other problems and issues Tom Tom have caused since allowing all staff to work from home since the accident lockdowns - once my device decides to give up it will be the last time I ever by a Tom Tom.

Bad customer service and sheer lack of consumer support and never ending glitches they are a shadow of what they used to be.
I totally agree with DJ. It seems like every recent improvement has purposely impaired the features and has gone backwards.

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