was notified that new map is available

Sep 29, 2009
hi all

when i powered up my TT this afternoon (not connected to Home)
i was notified on the screen that new map is available for download
was that possible

thanks in advance
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If you never connect to Tomtom HOME and use Latest Map Guarantee, the Tomtom will remind you to go get the map.

Since you got a 540s, it comes with the August 835 map preloaded, which is the latest for now. When the November map gets released in a few days, you can get the free update and the message will go away.
If you never connect to Tomtom HOME and use Latest Map Guarantee, the Tomtom will remind you to go get the map.

Since you got a 540s, it comes with the August 835 map preloaded, which is the latest for now. When the November map gets released in a few days, you can get the free update and the message will go away.

thank you so much mvl
for your kind and fast reply

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