Want to but USA maps for holiday

Oct 7, 2007

I'm a newb as you can tell and I'm from the UK.

I'm trying to find somewhere I can get maps for California and Nevada
As I will be on holiday there around new year.

In the UK I can buy the USA SDcard map for around ?60.00 ($120)
But I probobly wont use the USA SD card again after that or not for a quite few years anyway. Its expensive to visit L.A. but well worth the expense.:)

Is there any where I can get the maps cheap or even buy used SDcard
of the USA? $120 :eek: for one time use for two weeks is a lot pay out on when trying to save for a Holiday.

Can anyone of you guys help:cool:
I agree with Digital Flex.
If you were to have purchase a used SD card, it sill would not work because the map would be tied to another unit.
Are you renting a car? Renting a navigation device from the car rental agency might be cheaper than purchasing the maps. And your Tomtom will be one less thing you need to pack.

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