
Aug 2, 2010
here is my question. I have a one ver 3 which I have given to my wife,because I also have a One XL. On the ver 3 I downloaded the Ozzie Osbourne voice, this voice is not availble to download to the XL. Is it possible to take this voice from one tomtom to the other. We have multiple computers in the house all with Windows 7 with the homegroup set up.
If the voice was purchased through TomTom Home then it will probably be locked to the device it is first installed to.

If you got it from a third party web site then just copy the relevent dataXX.chk and dataXX.bmp files from the old device to the new one (note the XX will be a numeric value) - The files can be located in the "voices" folder - Mike
In which case simply copy the dataXX.chk and dataXX.bmp from the voices folder on one device to the voices folder on the other device.

If you are unsure as to which file it is right click the dataXX.vif file and select Open With/ NotePad, this files contents will tell you name and country information about the coresponding .bmp and .chk file. - Mike
Use Windows Explorer to look at the contents of the unit. You'll see many folders and some loose files not in any folder. One of the folders Mike is talking about is the 'voices' (no quotes) folder.
Found it Thanks for all your help. Juat one problem now. I was able to copy and paste two voice files. they both show up in the voices folder but when I go to change voices on the unit it does not show up. I moved 2 voices files to the voices one works the othe doesn't . Any suggestions?
For the one not recognized, try renaming the files using a different number than it is between 71 and 99. Renumber both files associated with the file, the dataxx.chk and the dataxx.vif file. Make sure you don't use a number already in use.
When changing the voice on the device it should ask you if you only want to select voices from the same langauge, answer NO to this question then have a look for the custom voice, not all custom voices are tagged correctly for gender and country etc - Mike

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