usa live problems


Dec 19, 2008
Boston, MA, USA
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom GO for Android
anyone else having problems with the usa live server? i wasn't able to connect all day.
Me neither. Since last night I keep on getting server error. (Maybe they are updating the server to support hd traffic)<- my imagination.
Good luck with the refund.

As of the time of writing, Live services in the Denver area still functional and clicking right along.
I've had my Go 740 on live services a little over a week. Today it cannot communicate with the server. Network status is connected. Soft and hard reset done. Is it broken already? How can I be connected to the network and yet not find the server?
Not that it should have anything to do with it, but with this stuff, who the bleep knows.

Went ahead and ran a regular update and Live services still very much Live here in Denver.

FWIW: I stuck with 9.054. Never have moved up to the later firmware. With Live working as well as it does here and no SIM errors, saw no reason to change (yet). Dunno if this matters or not. Given up guessing.
Out of the box went with 9.058. Worked for a few days. Guess I have to spend a couple more hours on the phone with support tomorrow.

I don't backup before every little map share update, only the major updates, so my backup is from when it works. Have to drive home without traffic services to find out, but then what, never do a map share update or GPS fix or any little change?
My LIVE services are still dead. I'm going to try app 9.054 to see if it helps.
Still no luck with 9.054. Canderson, can you try out weather? Strange how you're the only one who's got it working.

Did anyone else have working LIVE services in the USA on Jan 13th?
Still no luck with 9.054. Canderson, can you try out weather? Strange how you're the only one who's got it working.

Did anyone else have working LIVE services in the USA on Jan 13th?
Before I noted here that it was working, I had already tried out weather and some Google local searches -- all successful. After a moment, traffic bar on the right comes up normally as well with typical incident report info.

According to my unit, you can expect

Thu 14F / 28F
Fri 14F / 29F
Sat 25F / 35F
Sun 16F / 29F
Mon 22F / 35F

So whatever is happening, it clearly isn't pandemic. They've got a server somewhere that works. What they seem to have is a massive routing / interconnect issue somewhere... just not here.
I restored from backup and live services worked (I thought). I noted the App version was slightly different, as well as the OS and date, but I didn't take the time to write them down. I just turned it off. This morning I turned it on and it didn't work, and the App and OS are back to what doesn't work. I did no updates.

So, I set the 740 in the dock, and operate the Go from Home, and live services work. They just don't connect when I remove the Go from the dock.

App in dock: 9.058.568435.103
App not in dock: 9.058.568435.1

OS in dock: 1000
OS not in dock: 541764

Date in dock: (1030, 9/9/2010)
Date not in dock: (1030, 8/25/2010)

So, I only get traffic when docked. Not very useful. I am calling them.
Still functional here in the Denver area (out of the dock, too).

Weather + Google Local + Traffic all in operating order.
Just finished with support. They had me uninstall and re-install the app. No change. They gave up and transferred me to another department to RMA my device. While waiting for that, it started working. They then told me they think they are having "server" issues and other customers are reporting the same problem.

For the moment live services are working again.
I have the same issues as others. The device doesn't work, but Operate my GO does.

It seems the servers are fine, and it's a routing/firewall issue somewhere within AT&T or Tomtom.

I just checked and it's still dead for me. MarkLo, are things still working for you?

I'd suggest that everyone having this issue call Tomtom phone support so that they can better prioritize a fix.
It worked for me all the way to work today.

I have 2 theories that I have no idea if they are close to reality:

1) Operate My Go doesn't operate the Go, it runs a program on the PC that uses data from the Go to present the screens to you. Therefore live services are running on the PC network rather than the cell network.

2) When my app was removed and re-installed, I had to re-enter my TT account username and password. Maybe this whole problem was with the cached information about my account somehow going bad.
My TomTom is connected to the network as it clearly states "Connected" but won't connect to their server. "TomTom Services: An error occurred on the TomTom Server. Please try again."

Explaining this to TomTom support didn't lead to a resolution.

No Live service still and it is day 2.
LIVE was fixed for me around 7pm Eastern time. Anyone else still having problems?

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