USA and Canada map v660.1215 vs. 715

Mar 30, 2008
Forgive me if this is not the proper place to ask this question. If I need to ask somewhere else please let me know. I am new to this.

As you can see I am behind on the maps. When was 660 published and when was 715 published. Is 715 about to be replaced or is it safe to buy now? Thanks!
My understanding is that the 7.15 maps are based on Teleatlas data released in Oct 2007...After the map data was released from Teledata, it made it into TomTom's 7.15 map baseline in early-to-mid February.
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There will be a new map in couple of weeks newer than 715 so patience.
Maps are issued about every three months. The last maps dealing with North America were issued in early March which means the next one would be coming around early June.
Does the new USA and Canada map set allow Mapshare to function?

I have V666 and it does not.

In order for Mapshare to work (when it works that is):
TomTom Map Share requires application version and map version 675.1409 (or higher)

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