Upgrading from One New Edition to XL 340S

Dec 20, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
One 3rd Edition
I just bought an XL 340S to replace my One New Edition that's 2 or 3 years old (I'm giving the One to my daughter). I know to back up the new GPS using Windows Exlorer before I do anything else, and I know that I need to delete the non-English voices to free up the required space for the map update.

I spent a lot of time configuring the One when it was new, but that was a long time ago, and I've been using it happily since then. I've created itineraries using Tyre, I created custom map colors using some piece of freeware that I can't even remember the name of, lots of favorite destinations, etc.

Can I transfer any of these files over to the 340S? If so, can someone please remind me which files contain the data listed above?

Thanks! :)

Welcome to TTF.

Your itineraries are in itn file format in the itn folder. Use Explorer to copy them from the backup of the old unit to the itn folder on the new.

Your schemes will be in a .clr file format in the schemes folder. Do the same thing here........

As for your favourites. They are kept in a file called mapsettings.cfg in the specific map folder. Some find copying that file from a backup to the specific map folder on a new unit retains them but others have issues.

See information in this link courtesy of supermod Mikealder about how to circumvent problems by convering favourites to a custon .ov2 file.

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