Hi - I'm in the UK, and I've been using a TomTom One V2 for many years. I've just got a short tern job that involves a lot a travelling through lots of traffic.
I used to have the traffic service enabled using my mobile phone, but haven't used it for years.
My question is "Will the newer models with a Live service give me a significantly better traffic service?"
I can upgrade my map (?28), connect up my new bluetooth mobile (unlimited data plan) and subscribe to the traffic service (?37)
I can buy a new TomTom with LIVE services free for a year, and I assume I won't need to pair my phone. I don't need a TomTom that works as a hands free as my car has a bluetooth connection so I could get a suitable new TomTom for ?180
(And the battery on my TTOne need replacing again. I''ve done that myself once already, but are the newer models better in this respect?)
Can anyone help me justify an extra ?115 expenditure to my wife?
I used to have the traffic service enabled using my mobile phone, but haven't used it for years.
My question is "Will the newer models with a Live service give me a significantly better traffic service?"
I can upgrade my map (?28), connect up my new bluetooth mobile (unlimited data plan) and subscribe to the traffic service (?37)
I can buy a new TomTom with LIVE services free for a year, and I assume I won't need to pair my phone. I don't need a TomTom that works as a hands free as my car has a bluetooth connection so I could get a suitable new TomTom for ?180
(And the battery on my TTOne need replacing again. I''ve done that myself once already, but are the newer models better in this respect?)
Can anyone help me justify an extra ?115 expenditure to my wife?