Upgrade or buy new map??

Mar 30, 2012
United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go 520
Hi I'm new here, I've been TomTom user for a number of years and have a GO520

I need to upgrade my UK maps... which are understandably a little out of date.

I'm also driving to France later this year... so what is best option??

The map upgrade for UK & Ireland is cira £40 inc. 18mths upgrades

The Western Europe Maps are £49 ( as a download- bit more on a card) which includes both UK and France, but does my UK map on my TomTom need upgrading separately before I buy this...?

then France is also available separately for £39...

Sorry probably being dumb, but want to go for the most cost effective option

Thanks Ruth
I think it would make most sense to get the Western_Europe map which covers both areas (the latest version is 8.85 and 8.90 is due out in May). You do NOT need to update your existing map.

My understanding is that the 520 came with 1 gb internal storage. So you will need a sdhc card (not sd) and it should be at least a class 6+ speed rating. You could use up to a 32 gb card but that is overkill. For your needs a 4 gb card will work fine.

By the way, a new application (9.430) was released yesterday for your model. It's important for you since it allows for the removal of French speed cameras from your map.

As always, before any upgrade, make an Explorer, not Home, backup first. If not sure how, see here:
Brilliant- thanks for that!
I don't suppose you would know when in May the release is scheduled...?
It will effect whether we buy it now or wait until then- going to France on 1st June :)

Here are the dates of some previous map releases:

v850 maps released 27th June 2010
v855 maps released 31st August 2010
v860 maps released 17th Nov 2010
v865 maps released 15th March 2011
v870 maps released 17th May 2011
v875 maps released 16th August 2011
v880 maps released 15th November 2011
v885 maps released 17th February 2012

... and they have got quite a bit more reliable over the years.
So the "middle" of May is a fairly good bet!

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