upgrade battery?

Oct 6, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
I've a 520T which has always had a rubbish battery but lately it dies in seconds.
I can get a replacement but if this is going to be just as bad what is the point?
Does anyone know if I can put a longer life battery i.e. higher mAh that will fit and not do something horrid to my 520?

Ooops nearly forgot...
As I use this for work as an NHS taxi driver going from one genuine emergency to the next (yeah right)
I tend to leave the unit plugged in most of the day, does this kill the battery by overcharging or does the tomtom prevent this?
Should I run it flat from time to time?

PS yes we are provided with NHS sat nav but it's rubbish and has let me down to often to rely on it alone.
As I remember, the x10 models were physically thicker than the Go series and, as a consequence, did come with a (thicker) battery with a higher Mah than the Go's do. How do you charge the unit? With the car charger? The computer? Both?

Could be the charger at fault and not the battery itself.
I charge it on the vehicle, it is always plugged in when I use it as it doesn't even last long enough to program it without.

I believe I have read a post or two where the user found a higher capacity battery for the x20 model that was thin enough to fit in the casing. But I don't remember the details. Sorry.
New battery

I had a similar problem with my 930T and it was just a bad battery. They wear out.

I bet you don't need a higher capacity - but just a new battery.

Should be no problem keeping it plugged in all the time. Overcharge protection is built in.

No need to drain the battery with Lithium Polymer batteries (or NiMh for that matter)

Only go for the higher capacity if you need to go for a longer time while unplugged.
I use ac adapter usual. Because i heard that battery have a life cycle.
If your battery have used more then 200 times, you need a new replacement battery.:)

I have a 520 t the battery has gone on mine as well .I think that if you are charging it on the docking station and have the unit switched on it may reduce the battery life.I am off to buy another unit as mine also freezes and goes nuts when using blue-tooth
In my experience, two things cause early death of lithium ion batteries:
1) letting them drain completely too often
2) charging them with a power cord that isn't strong enough

For #2, Tomtom has it's charges on sale on its website every few months, I recommend getting a genuine Tomtom cord as it's 2 amps. Many other brands are only half an amp or one amp.

Regarding your bluetooth problems, it's a well know issue with app 8.351. See here for a workaround.

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