Update of HOME fails

Jun 13, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
Every time I start TomTom Home, I get the message, "A new version of TomTom HOME is available. Do you want to install it?"

I click "Yes", and after about 4 seconds (I timed it), I get the message, "Could not install new version of TomTom HOME."

I have TomTom HOME version 1.6, Build 020 (May 15, 2007), running on a MacBook Pro (intel processor) under Mac OS version 10.5.7.

In case it matters, the software on my TomTom itself is:
App 7.903 (9183/091205) OS: 2344
GPS v1.21, boot 5.3029
Map: "USA_and_Canada" v665.1293

Do I have the latest version of the application (and if so, why is it asking me to update it)? Or is it because my device is getting older - TomTom ONE 2nd edition?

I was thinking about buying a new map, but if my computer won't take an update of the HOME software, maybe I'd have trouble with the map? I don't have the $60 to waste on a new US map right now if it isn't going to work.

Any ideas what the problem might be?
Your map and application are both very much out of date for that model. I think the latest application is 7.903 and the latest map is 830.

Can you try to uninstall Home. Then go to this link for the latest Home version for the Mac.

See how that goes.......
I should have thought of uninstalling and downloading from scratch - DUH! Thanks, that worked.

Funny thing is, I just replaced my computer in June 2008, which is when I downloaded HOME for this computer, but it was a May 2007 version!

One more question, if I can bother you:
Now when I choose "Join MapShare", it says:
TomTom MapShare is not supported either for your device or for the map you are using.

I speak English as a native language, but this is a bit linguistically confusing to me. Do they mean that _neither_ my device (TomTom ONE New Edition) nor my old map support it, and even buying a new map won't let me join MapShare?

Or do they mean that one or the other (but not both) isn't supported, and they aren't sure which?

The map I have is 99% fine for the places I go, so I don't want to upgrade it. But if I could get latest updates from MapShare, that might convince me.

My understanding is that if you have the updated application (7.903 -- free) and purchase the newest map, you can use the mapshare feature.
You need both a minimum map and minimum application for mapshare.

-You need app 7.000 or later. You are fine because you have app 7.903
-You need map 675 or later. This is your problem, since you have map 665. You have to buy a new map first.

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