update application on world traveler

Mar 16, 2008
New York
TomTom Model(s)
GO730, GO2505tm
I have a XXL540s world traveler that has app 8.551 and home will not offer an update to a newer application. How can i update my device to a newer application if home does not offer it.
Normal way to force a new software download from Home is:

1. Make a FULL backup of the TomTom using Windows Explorer. Don't move on unless you are happy you've done this.

2. On the TomTom delete all the "loose" files (i.e. the ones which are not in a folder. Leave all the folders and their contents alone.

3. On the PC, go to where Home stores it's software downloads (normally c:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\program, but you may have told it to use somewhere else - check in the preferences of Home)
Delete all the folders and their contents that you find in there.

4. ith the TomTom connected to the PC, run Home and it should offer a new software download.W
I have done that already per Tomtom support and it only offers 8.551 and it freezes my device. I then tried to copy and paste the loose files from a xxl540 and the results were better but i think i am still missing something as the device restarts after a minute or two. i can't get home to offer a higher applacation than 8.551 no matter what i do.
I have done that already

Well I wish you had said!
It would have saved a wasted reply.

AFAIK, v9.061 is the latest for an XXL model.
One direct download link I have for that version is

Download, extract the files and folders from the .cab archive using winRar or similar and copy them to the TomTom.

As ever... ensure you create a full backup with Windows Explorer FIRST.
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