We need to check the progress of the download to see why it may be failing.
If you will right click the MyDrive Connect icon in the systray (lower right of your screen) and select “Settings”, then select “DOWNLOADS”, you will see the “Download folder” location on your machine where maps and other downloads are cached before installation.
Click the “Browse” button out to the right.
You will probably see a whole host of ‘content’, ‘contentx.md5’, ‘contentx.md5x’ files. But at the top, you should see a file called cache-status.xml. Place your mouse over that file, hold down the right mouse button, and slide it onto your desktop and hit “Copy here”.
Depending upon your past activity, it could be a HUGE file, but we’re really only interested in the first twenty or thirty lines. If you can copy/paste those here, we can see what the progress of the download (or not) looks like.
If you are concerned about the privacy of your device’s serial number (doesn’t matter much these days), you can just ‘X’ those out. They occur after each “PND”> and/or “AUTO” entry in that file.
The content will look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urls cacheSuspended="false" cacheSuspendedType="PND">
<url index="1" href="http://download-test.tomtom.com/nav3/safetycams/08-12-2022/nav4/safety-cam-ca-premium.ttpkg" percentage="100" contentLength="112780" cacheLength="112780" statusCode="200" timestamp="1670694958" validationMandatory="false" downloadSuspended="false">
<md5 percentage="100" contentLength="32" cacheLength="32" statusCode="200" md5checked="true" computedMd5Hex="da57bbd63c246650d41804ef2e17b22c"/>
<muid type="PND">QU2463G00043</muid>
When complete, close the folder directory with the "X" in the upper right.
Once we have that information, you may be asked to delete the entire TomTom cache folder and those above using this method:
- Open the Windows Run Command on the computer (‘Windows’ button in the lower left of your keyboard + R button concurrently)
- In the box that pops up, type %localappdata% and hit enter.
- Open the TomTom folder.
- Delete the entire Home3 folder.