Is there any free software out there that will convert normal HTML to the HTML that TomTom reads?
Here is a sample of what the HTML from tomtom looks like when I open it in firefox.
�����H?� @ <�BASEFONT� SIZE=3 �FACE="AR?IAL"84@centerX5p4BIMG B�ORDER=0 �SRC="ima�ges/anwb�logo.gif ">Avai�lable La?ngus:DH$? @A HREF�?n�dex_da.html�?P?HSP?1 ?./../�flags/Demark?Dan`sk
I would like to import geocaching notes into the Tom so I can read them in the field.
Here is a sample of what the HTML from tomtom looks like when I open it in firefox.
�����H?� @ <�BASEFONT� SIZE=3 �FACE="AR?IAL"84@centerX5p4BIMG B�ORDER=0 �SRC="ima�ges/anwb�logo.gif ">Avai�lable La?ngus:DH$? @A HREF�?n�dex_da.html�?P?HSP?1 ?./../�flags/Demark?Dan`sk
I would like to import geocaching notes into the Tom so I can read them in the field.