tt730 Deluxe - problem installing latest map guarantee!!!

Jul 9, 2009
Dublin, Ireland ( Go on with ya now!)
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Go730 Deluxe
I just got a new TT730 Go Deluxe:D and I used the "latest map guarantee" feature to download Western & Central Europe but it wont install and it's driving me nuts.:confused: I bought a 4GB SDHC card, thinking that might solve the problem but still no joy.Can anyone advise please?????

I get an error report as follows:

ERROR: DesktopLib/InstallToDevice/GetInstallable/InvalidArchive2: Invalid archive: C:\Documents and Settings\ \My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\complete\map\Western___Central_Europe_2GB-2\
@ .\framework\InstallToDeviceThread.cpp(990)

in .\framework\InstallToDeviceThread.cpp:990
0. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/commit.js:84
1. chrome://tthome/content/ui/bindings/ttwizard.xml:1032
this._commitFailed(i, commitPage);
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/util.js:81
return func.apply(obj, arguments);
3. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:77
4. chrome://tthome/content/logic/dllUtils.js:69

Time: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 15:50:50 GMT
My initial thought is that the downloaded compressed .cab file is corrupt.

The default location on your computer to find it is here:

C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\map

Use Explorer to get to that location and right click on the .cab file. Do you have problems doing so?

A major reason for a corrupt download (from TomTom) is that the dl was via a wireless connection to the internet. If that's how you dl it, I would delete the corrupt cab file and try again with a directly connected computer.
Are you SURE you looked in the correct folder as I signified above?

Use Home to show items on my computer......

Does it show a map? If so, click 'more info' to see if it is indeed your updated map. If so, you were NOT looking in the correct folder .....

If it does NOT show the map.......

then try the download procedure again.
Within the cab file, when you open it, do you see:

-A Western_Europe zip file
-A WE.toc file
-2 map gif files
-An activation file??
Follow these steps **carefully**

1. Insert the sdhc card in the TomTom and connect to the computer. Do NOT start Home.
2. Use Explorer to create a folder on the card called Western_and_Central_Europe_2GB
3. Extract all the contents of the Western & CE zip file into this folder.
4. Extract the contents (one file ending in .dct) of the activation folder into the Western & CE folder as well.
5. Make a complete Explorer, not Home, backup of the unit's contents (not the sd card ... yet). Make sure hidden files/folders are showing.
6. Delete the Western & CE map folder from the UNIT, not the card.
7. Disconnect the unit PROPERLY from the computer.

Start up the TomTom. Does it recognize the map?

Tap the satellite bars to see the version number of the application installed. Now, tap the version number to see the map installed and the version. It should show the NEW map. Does it?

If so, make a complete Explorer backup of the sdhc card to a different folder.
With the card in the unit and the unit connected to the computer, Explorer should show two additional drives when you click on My Computer in the left pane.

They should be under the section called Devices with Removable Storage in the right pane.

The one with the lower of the two letters is probably the sdhc card. Double click on it. It should be empty.

Now at the top of Explorer, File-->New-->Folder and give it precisely the name I mentioned.
Are you sure?

Do you have a card reader to put the sdhc card in? If so, insert the sdhc card in the reader, insert the reader in a usb port and carry on from there.

What kind of sdhc card did you buy?

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