My new TomTom One came yesterday and I really want to like it. I love the features, build quality, and the smoothnes of it's operation. But after advance planning several trips with it today, I have to wonder if there's any hope at all for it's routing capabilities. I tried planning trips ranging from 25 to 250 miles, and each time the TT1 came up with routes that was no where near logical. IT skipped major roads to use other major roads that where out of the way. For one 100 mile trip that could be accomplihed with 4 turns from my house, the TT1 turned it into an approx 125 miles trek all over. Since it shows the roads, but chooses not to use them, I have to assume that the problem is in the routing engine. Like I say, I really like the unit itself, but if the routing isn't dependable it doesn't matter. Is there any chance of an update that will improve routing, or should I just return it while I still can?