TT maps XLs

Jan 17, 2008
Newmarket, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Hi all,

New to the forum and to tomtom, which I got for Christmas.

Can ne one tell me what version is the latest for NA maps? Mine came bundled with Guam! Thinking of driving there next week....j/k

Thanks for the info. My own has 7.162, maybe a difference between the One v2 and xls.
That's your Firmware, not the map version...
Hit the GPS strength and then hit the version number, it should tell you on that information page that your App is 7.162 and the name of your map, and it's version (amoung other things).
The latest USA & Canada is 710.1545 (unless a new one has been released, and I've not read about it).
That's your Firmware, not the map version...
Hit the GPS strength and then hit the version number, it should tell you on that information page that your App is 7.162 and the name of your map, and it's version (amoung other things).
The latest USA & Canada is 710.1545 (unless a new one has been released, and I've not read about it).

710.1609 is the North America Map

710.1545 is the US and Canada Map

I have no idea what the difference are, except the N.A Map is about 1.8Gb, and the US and Canada is about 850Mb
Thanks guys for clearing that up. Did what shadow said and it's 710.1575. Now that brings up another question. Yooshaw pointed out the size difference. I am guessing NA means anything that is not south America or more detail, roads etc., etc.
North America is a more detailed version of the maps. There are two versions of the NA maps, I believe one is for the 720 and the other is for the 920 (please correct me if I am wrong) but the only difference between the two is the POI database. Approx 200mb larger in size for the 920 version of the NA maps.
And in more detailed, means that the water ways are better protrayed and in some cases there is shading that corresponds to the buildings on the map. In some cases, yes the there is more accurate information about the roads as well. (For example, I noticed that one way streets are detailed more often on the NA map I've seen than on my USA & Can map.)
THat's your firmware version. Hit the GPS signal strength bars, then the square version button. A page will open up and one of the lines will say USA and Canada XXX.XXXX. That XXX.XXXX is your map version number.
North America is a more detailed version of the maps. There are two versions of the NA maps, I believe one is for the 720 and the other is for the 920 (please correct me if I am wrong) but the only difference between the two is the POI database. Approx 200mb larger in size for the 920 version of the NA maps.
And in more detailed, means that the water ways are better protrayed and in some cases there is shading that corresponds to the buildings on the map. In some cases, yes the there is more accurate information about the roads as well. (For example, I noticed that one way streets are detailed more often on the NA map I've seen than on my USA & Can map.)

Good stuff there shadow. At least I'm not missing out too much. Few things that I've noticed with my maps in my area is that quite a few streets are shown as blocked or otherwise not open to cars. On the street menu the cars have a big ol red X over them so I've been changing that and also renaming streets. Looks like the last time they updated this area, in detail, was about 10-12 years ago, that's about how long the streets have been there with houses etc.
^^^ Sometimes it can take a while for maps to be updated. That's why no map maker is perfect. If your noticing errors for the maps in your area, I would report it to Tele Atlas' map insight website. It will help fix the issue quicker.
The POI database with the 1575 map is about 58MB while the large NA maps has a POI database of 276MB. There are also a cspeech_XX.dat files where the XX represents each state and are probably for proper pronunciation of names but that is a guess and may be wrong. Those dat files occupy 481MB of space. It would make sense to me as names, in English, have weird rules. For instance, think of "rough" and then join it to "Queensbo" or "Scarbo", "my-a-my" or "me-ha-me" for "Miami", "Huss-ton" or "You-ston" for "Huston" and I could go on and on... I have yet to test my theory with my XL-S and 1575 maps as my main territory is in Quebec where most names are in French and just recently added the computer voice in French. There have not been too many feedbacks from XL-S owners and many seem to have opted for non-computer voices. Could the weird pronunciations of names be the reason?
Yeah, I get a lot of screwy pronounciations... Like Robie (ROBBIE) Street is supposed to be Robie (ROWBEE) Street. *shrug* I reported it, and in the additional notes, I spelled it phoenetically.
My main issue at the moment with the TTS is it seems that if it speaks a long direction, like "in 500 metres bear right, then exit right, exit 1a, highway 103, Peggys' Cove" right around Highway it starts cutting out. It's almost like it either runs out of memory or can't read all the TTS off the SD card quick enough and it starts cutting out. (It's a 150x card - supposedly, it's definitely fast enough to take 30fps video in my camera...)
I've been tempted to just change to a regular voice for now since I can read the screen just as fast as it can tell me - just because I am familiar with my local area... And perhaps turn the TTS back on when I am in an unfamiliar area - since I will be spending more time trying to read street signs... :)

Have you tried editing the "roadnr.EnglishUs6.8.lex" file in your LoquendoTTS folder? I don't know for sure but that file seems to contain pronounciation directives and can be edited. I don't remember enough about phonetics to guide you into the correct phonetics for what you want but consider it is an avenue to look into.

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