ALG represents two different things: arrows representing the number of lanes on the multilane highway and reality view which consists of a static image representing the scenery where the highway splits direction.
TT is rather silent, when it offers map updates, on the locations it has made changes. Some suggest going to a web site to know wether changes have been made for a particular location. What we don't know is how current the site is, how often it is updated and if, what you see on a particular date, will make it in their next map update.
When TT gets new maps from TeleAtlas, it manipulates the data for some time before releasing them to their users. It used to take TT about 3 months from the receipt of maps to their being offered to us. It may be shorter now but there is a time gap.
While the rebate makes updating enticing at the moment, it is important to know the next update is supposed to incorporate major MapShare updates reported by users. How significant this is going to be for the majority of us remains to be seen but I am hopeful it will be. The other aspect is the rumour mill has it we could be offered a map update plan that would significantly reduce the cost of map updates such as presently offered in the EU.
You don't mention where you live nor does it appear in your poster id. That makes it hard to guess wether ALG appears in your area. For me, the closest ALG would be in a very smaller town (Binghampton, NY) than Montreal and only the next upgrade is supposed to incorporate a few ALG in my country...