TT Go Exclusive ziet geen kaart

Jul 18, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/nl.png" alt="Netherlands" /> Netherlands
TomTom Model(s)
Go Exclusive 7"
Mijn nieuwe TT Exclusive wil niet connecten met een kaart. Als ik opstart kan ik alleen naar instellingen. Van TT helpdesk wordt ik verwezen aar TomTom-account maar deze kan ik nergens vinden bij instellingen. Kan ook geen account toevoegen. Zie bijgevoegde foto's. ben nu al 4 weken in contact met helpdesk maar kom geen steek verder. Iemand goed advies voor me?


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You must have. at least one map to install on your GPS?

Have you put your GPS outside so it can pick up satellites?
What we're seeing in that first photo is a 'raw' Android screen. It's been a while since I've taken a production device new, out of box, and turned it on, but I've never seen anything like what is in that first photo before. Where is the TomTom NavApp that is supposed to be loaded on this device???

@Mark NL
I really do think this device must be returned to the factory to have the firmware loaded again (called a 'reflash').
Where did you purchase it? If not from TomTom directly, I would return it for a replacement.

When you hit Settings (Instellingen), what other things appear? Can you send us a photo of that?
What we're seeing in that first photo is a 'raw' Android screen. It's been a while since I've taken a production device new, out of box, and turned it on, but I've never seen anything like what is in that first photo before. Where is the TomTom NavApp that is supposed to be loaded on this device???

@Mark NL
I really do think this device must be returned to the factory to have the firmware loaded again (called a 'reflash').
Where did you purchase it? If not from TomTom directly, I would return it for a replacement.

When you hit Settings (Instellingen), what other things appear? Can you send us a photo of that?
Hi, I purchased it directly from TomTom.
Attached pictures when i hit settings. No NAvApp discoverable. Even when I search TomTom no results given.
I tried GPS signal but nothing will happen.


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Hi, I purchased it directly from TomTom.
Attached pictures when i hit settings. No NAvApp discoverable. Even when I search TomTom no results given.
I tried GPS signal but nothing will happen.
@Mark NL
You have a most unusual unit there! It has Android loaded (which is the base operating system of these TomTom devices), but not the TomTom application! I can imagine that talking to low level tech support people has been of no help at all.

This unit will have to be sent back to TomTom. They will either reflash it (install correct code) or just replace it with one that is properly loaded already.

Just for fun, before you send it back, it would be interesting to have you check what version of Android is being loaded on these devices. You might check under "Systeem".
Thanks for your input. TT Support has send the the support request to a Senior Technical team. No reaction yet.
But I will try to send it back for an new one.
Attached picture with the Android Version. Version 10.
I will inform about the next steps from TT.


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I think best option is to indeed contact TT Suppot as you purchased the unit from them to check what is going wrong with the device.

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