Could someone try this on a TomTom One 130 S
Prepare route
Depart from POI In City "Lawrence NY" Search "Bay Harbor Mall"
Destination POI in City "Garden City NY" Search "Roosevelt Field Mall"
Choose Avoid Freeway and see if route contains (via browse as text)
"Southern State Parkway"
This does not happen on my Magellen 1450 or my TomTom XL340TM Live
Before I start badgering Support, I want to see if the problem is only on my unit and if so I would work on getting a replacement.
Prepare route
Depart from POI In City "Lawrence NY" Search "Bay Harbor Mall"
Destination POI in City "Garden City NY" Search "Roosevelt Field Mall"
Choose Avoid Freeway and see if route contains (via browse as text)
"Southern State Parkway"
This does not happen on my Magellen 1450 or my TomTom XL340TM Live
Before I start badgering Support, I want to see if the problem is only on my unit and if so I would work on getting a replacement.