Trouble with downloading Maps XL335-S

Jan 16, 2010
I have the XL 335-S and I am trying to add the updated map. Of course it is too large to add because I don't have enough space for two maps. So it tells me to delete the current map but it gives me an error and nothing happens. So I can't delete the existing map using TomTom Home.

Why can't I just go into Explorer and delete the USA_Canada_and_Mexico_P file from the device and them load the new map using TomTom Home? Or will that just mess things up?

Currently I am restoring my device because through this whole process the device is saying "no maps" even though the file is still there when I look at it using Explorer. humm.

Anyway, I also read that it is a good thing to back up the device using Explorer besides the TomTom HOME. Why is that? These backups and restores are soooooo slooooooow.

Thank you for any help.

Read here about why making an Explorer backup is a good idea:

In Home, see if there is a newer firmware update available. If so, download and install it. And if there is, it'll say the unit needs rebooting, so do so.

Then, whether there was a firmware update or not, use Home to remove all foreign voices from your existing map,also all but one computer voice. You should have room to install the new map then.
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Success (I hope)

Did the Explorer back up.
Deleted the not needed voices.

Now here is the problem.
My device only contains 1958.5 MB in total memory.
The current map is 1638.5 MB (version 825.2197)
The free downloaded map is 1688.8 MB (version 840.2568)

There is no way in the world for me to have both maps on this device at the same time. :(
For me to use the new map the old one has to go.

Wait a second, it actually let me delete the old map this time. Obviously I am doing this as I type this message.
And it is now copying the new map to the internal memory. Very sloooooowly I mite add.

I am now wondering if all this could have been avoided by simply rebooting my computer after loading TomTom Home? That seems to be to only thing that has changed and now everything is working like it is supposed to. :eek:

However, I am waiting a final judgment until the new map is completely downloaded. :D

I am also thinking that I should backup the devices info using Explorer onto my computer again, now that it has all the new and improved info.

I will let you all know how it comes out. lol
You can backup the device post the new map install if you want to , but as long as you have a Windows Explorer backup on the PC from prior to the map update I wouldn't worry as its very easy to sort out the files that are stored on your computer including the new map and copy the correct files to your device.

In short a day 01 back up is vital, after that TT Home will store files/ downloads and folders on the PC which can be used to manually sort out a device should the need arise, no harm in taking a back up though post update as long as you have around an hour due to the USB 1 interface - Mike
Total Success!

Thank you for the help.

Everything loaded fine and the device is up and running. :cool:

Again, thank you for all your help. I hope my troubles will even maybe help someone else going through the same thing.

tomtom wont stand by my map udate purchase. I bought the map update, paid $70 plus

I paid a good price for a product that will not load onto my tomtom.
Tomtom will not honor their product. They just keep sending me emails trying to give me more reasons as to why it will not work and more things to do along with a nifty little sentence at the end that states that my problem will be considered taken care of if I do not reply within 72 hours and then there is no where to reply.
I am fed up at this point.
response from tomtom

No, this is has NOT been helpful!I have done everything that each represent=
ative instructed me to do.Each one assured me that it would work and at som=
e point gave me different directions than the last representative.At this p=
oint, I want a full refund. =C2=A0I still have not been able to get the map=
.Like I have previously said, my husband and I both felt that the TomTom up=
date was the way to go and we felt secure getting it from your website.Now,=
we are both very upset because we paid for a product that we did not recei=

--- On Thu, 6/17/10, TomTom Support Team <[email protected]> wrote:

From: TomTom Support Team <[email protected]>
Subject: [Incident: 100611-001787] NOT resolved [Incident: 100614-001180]
To: (e-mail address removed)
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 3:42 PM

=0A=0A=0A =0A=0A#yiv679119805 td.header {}=0A#yiv679119805 td.text {p=
adding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;}=0A#yiv679119805 td.label {}=0A#yiv67=
9119805 {}=0A=0A=0A=0A =0A
=0ADear Sir or Madam,

=0A=0ARecently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support c=
enter. We appreciate you allowing us to be of service to you. Below is a s=
ummary of your request and our response.

=0A=0AThis incident will remain open for the next 72 hours and will close a=
utomatically if we do not hear back. If you have follow up questions regard=
ing your incident, please select the link below.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you with=
in 72 hours.

Thank you and Best Regards,
=0AThe TomTom Customer Support Team

=0A=0A=C2=A0Subject=0A[Incident: 100611-001787] NOT resolved=0A=C2=A0=0A=
=C2=A0Discussion Thread=0A=C2=A0Response (ST-Amanda C)06/17/2010 04:42 PM=
=0ADear Lee,

Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support. My name =
is Amanda and we are always happy to help.=20

I understand that you are unable to download the map update service and rec=
eive an error message. We understand the frustration this might have caused=

We apologize for the delay in response. Due to the recent sales of our prod=
ucts, we have received more email communications than expected. Please rest=
assured that you are important to us. We are working diligently to assist =
all of our customers in a timely and efficient manner.

I am here to assist you and will certainly try my best to resolve the issue=

The error might occur if there is disk error or if the contents of the=0Ado=
wnload folder are corrupt.

Let us try the following troubleshooting steps to download and install the =
map update service. The steps to resolve the issue might be a bit long. How=
ever, I have tried to make them as elaborate and simple as possible. I am s=
ure we would reach to a resolution at the end of the steps.

Note: Please disable the firewall and anti-virus software temporarily, as i=
t might interfere with the download. If you are unsure of doing so then you=
can contact the software vendor as they have the necessary expertise to di=
sable the security software.

A) Perform Check disk:

We will need to scan the internal memory for errors and correct them. We of=
fer step by step instructions on our web site that will guide you through t=
his. Please=0Aclick on the link below to view the information. If you are u=
nable to click on the link, please copy and paste it into your internet bro=

Check device memory for errors

B) Delete contents from download folder.

1. Double click on Documents.
2. Double click on TomTom folder.
3. Double click on Home folder.
4. Double click on Download folder.
5. Select the contents and press delete key on the keyboard.
6. Now close the window

C) Reset Home to default settings:

In some cases, a previous installation of HOME may cause errors when runnin=
g TomTom HOME 2.x. To resolve this, you will need to remove the old content=

1. Exit TomTom HOME completely by=0Aright-clicking the HOME icon in the low=
er-right taskbar of Windows and choosing Exit.=20
2. Delete the folder listed below, based on your operating system:

Windows XP:=20

*C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ --> Delete the folde=
r TomTom
*C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Application Data\ --> Delete the fold=
er TomTom
C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\My Documents\ --> Delete the folder Do=

*Application Data is hidden by default. To show hidden files and folders go=
to Tools > Folder Options and click the View tab. Select the option Show h=
idden files and folders and click OK.
more trouble

As you can see from the partial response below....this forum would not allow me to enter more than 1000 problems are not being resolved....
I am just given more instructions that do not work
susiemajors, you said you have purchased something for your device that won't install, what is it that you can't install, I accept its a map but which map region/ type, also what device have you got, if you are unsure then please quote the part number from the label on the base, there have been so many different versions of devices released that all look similar the part number is the best option to make sure we know what hardware you have got.

I appreciate the above is a long list of questions without any answers, but given the information requested we can then advise the next best approach - Mike

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