Tripmaster V1.5 final!

In the new manual, it says the below:

"to choose the colors, for a day or night display and to personalize them"

Does this mean that the color schemes can be modified by the user ? The night is pretty good as-is, but would like to work on the day (maybe something else then the white background).
Is there any way to autostart Tripmaster, hidden, a bit like the Sunrise program. Great program BTW. Not being a Linux user, I don't know what to add to the cleanup.txt file.

Yes, you can modify your own colors. It's all described in detail in the manual!

Thabks - missed it first time through. Am playing around with daytime background colors now. The night screen is very good already.

Note - this is a good way to tweak TomTom scheme colors also. Will try it on some of the free Plus color scheme downloads so if I mess up, no harm done.
Is there any way to autostart Tripmaster, hidden, a bit like the Sunrise program. Great program BTW. Not being a Linux user, I don't know what to add to the cleanup.txt file.

You can try to add a line :


but I'm afraid it won't work... One day, I'll try to find a solution for this, if it doesn't work, cause it could be interesting to have an always running Tripmaster...
Just making sure I am downloading the right one. I saw 1.5a a few days ago and wasn't sure....

I am so glad I found this site!

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