TripMaster 2.3 and 8.35 app

Apr 2, 2008
Is anyone experiencing a problem with the new 8.35 application and TripMaster 2.3. When I press the TripMaster icon, the screen immediately goes back to the map screen and then TripMaster and the map screen flash back and forth rapidly. I tried a reset but too no avail. Curious to see if anyone else is having this issue. Steve
Yup, exactly the same problem. Screens flashing back and forth. Had I known in advance, I would have waited on the upgrade. I know better, always gat the feedback before an upgrade, but my curiosity got the better of me this time.

TripMaster does NOT work with NavCore V8.35. The developer has no solution for that for the moment:mad:

I confirm Runarg's post. It will certainly be difficult to fix this, as Tomtom changed its application behaviour for screen refreshment. I will work on this problem, during the WE, but for the moment, I have no idea how to fix it. :(
I hope that all of us appreciate the work that 3rd party app developers like Roussillat. Trying to work without a blueprint can sometimesw be impossible. Personally, I don't understand why on Earth TomTom would discontinue any assistance.
I hope that all of us appreciate the work that 3rd party app developers like Roussillat. Trying to work without a blueprint can sometimesw be impossible. Personally, I don't understand why on Earth TomTom would discontinue any assistance.

My suspicion is that with Navcore 8, Tomtom was trying to go more mass market, and didn't want to get support calls from conflicts due to 3rd party apps.

I don't think the screen refresh thing in 8.350 was deliberate. It is probably a new way of avoiding stuttering, putting screen refresh on some alternate parallel thread, which of course overrides 3rd party apps. There must be some "refresh off" system call that the tomtom does when it goes into menu mode. Tripmaster and others would have to find and implement call when they turn on their menus.
The non-conformity could largely be avoided if TT still offered an SDK. That's the issue I have with them. Of course I wouldn't expect developer apps to work across multiple Navcore versions without some tweaks. But how is one to know what to tweak?

TomTom certainly appears to be discouraging any 3rd party add-ons, which begs the question. Are they considering an "apps store", offering TomTom add-ons for a fee? Makes me wonder. . .
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TomTom certainly appears to be discouraging any 3rd party add-ons, which begs the question. Are they considering an "apps store", offering TomTom add-ons for a fee? Makes me wonder. . .
Just imagine Apple Store if Apple had discouraged third party developers ? it would be empty or quite empty. The success of Apple is due to the fact that they provided for a couple of dollars a SDK and encouraged developers thru fees when selling an application.
With its SDK, 3 years ago, Tomtom had all the keys for such a success, they have decided to kill the "chicken with golden eggs" as we say in France.
I have had the same thing happen to me. Is it possoble to simply reinstall the 8.302 app?

Yes you can.

In HOME, go to Remove items, click on the Items on Device tab, and then click Applications and remove the Tomtom application.

Then go to "Add traffic, voices, safety cameras, etc", then go to "items on my computer", applications, then find 8.302 by clicking more info on each application. After clicking add you're back to 8.302.
Thanks mvl,

After removing the 8.350 app, I still could not find the 8.302 app on "items on my computer" but, I was able to extract this to the root drive of my TT 930 using winRAR. I'm not sure why the other apps don't show up on "items on my computer" in HOME. At any rate, I have tripmaster back and the volume is louder on the internal speakers.

Thanks Again!


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