On a TomTom website I came across a picture of a unit with translucent navigation panels as well as some other nice improvements. It appears to be a collaboration of sorts between Tomtom and Sony for an in-car nav / entertainment unit, but the picture is of the Tomtom navigation screen.
It would be nice if TT would bring this improved screen over to it's other units. I think the translucent nav panels make far better use of the screen real estate. Removing the giant signal strength indicator is sensible, as is the redesign and repositioning of other nav bar elements.
The TT web site is http://sp.sony-europe.com/da/218/101446.jpeg
It would be nice if TT would bring this improved screen over to it's other units. I think the translucent nav panels make far better use of the screen real estate. Removing the giant signal strength indicator is sensible, as is the redesign and repositioning of other nav bar elements.
The TT web site is http://sp.sony-europe.com/da/218/101446.jpeg