Transfereing POIs

Jul 18, 2010
was Nr Carcassonne France. Now NW Wilts England.
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go6000, Go Exclusive that doesn't work properly
I have been using my trusty GO 720 and decided to upgrade to a GO6100. I have some POIs called Aude_Cathars and Aude_Gorges, some of the lovely points in our part of France, on the 720 and I want to transfere them to the 6100. So far I haven't found a way of doing it. Is there any way?

I have them on TomTom Home in my Finder on my Mac. I originally found them in the downloads in TomTom Home but have no idea how to look for them in MyDrive, or even if it's possible?

My PCs are a MacBook Pro and an iMac bothe running Yasemite, OS X 10.10.5
OK, I have now foond out that what I need are the .ov1 files. I looked in my POI folder in the SD card for the 720, that's where the France map is held, and it wasn't the right format. So I googled it, with not too much hope, and found the correct anser that the .ov1 files aren't in the POI folder, they are in the, for me, France map folder. I looked and there were sat.

I went into MyDrive, My Places and Import POIs. But when I tried to import them to the 6100 it told me to connect my unit. It says on the 6100 screen that it is connected. If I look in Finder there is no indication the 6100 is connected to my MacBook.

So I have now connected it to my iMac and started MyDrive on there. To my HORROR it is now telling me that it is downloading the same updated map that too about 8 hours to download on my MacBook and then update the map on my 6100 yesterday!! The map om my 6100 was updated yesterday and at 34% through the download it's going to take gawd knows how long to do. I can't find a way to stop it and I can't try and see if the POI transfer with work on my iMac or not.

Is there any way around this, or do both machines have to hold the same update?? Thinking about it, I suppose that they do and if that is the case can I transfer the new map between the Macs?? Please say that it's possible! I have a max speed of about 1meg on my line here and I'm already an old sod!!

Now I have found that the download keeps on bombing out!!!
I had a senior moment there Arno. It was .ov2 files I was selecting.

I'm back on my MBP now. It will let me select the files to import, but when I do it just returns to the import files selection. At first I thought that they had imported but when I looked at the 6100 they aren't there. I have tried using both Firefox and Safari. I have just realised that Firefox goes back to the Import files selelction and on Safari it tells me to connect my device. When I look at MyDrive it is connected.

Round in circles!!
They should be at the very bottom of Menu > My Places.
It will only list the name of the POI, not the ov2 extension.
When you do find them and tap on one it will be displayed in Search by distance from current location.
I was looking just for the names. The sequence this morning is

I opened the MacBook, is was in sleep mode, and connected the 6100 and it just stayed as 'Connecting' for several minutes in MyDrive Connect. I rebooted the Mac and it connected straight away. This also happened a couple of times last night.

I opened MyDrive in Firefox from MD Connect and it signed me in automatically
I opened "My Places' and this appeared

So I went back to MD Connect and it showed the 6100 connected

Back to F/fox and MyDrive and selected My Places again and got the above screen showing the 2 files but without the 'Sync your ov2' panel

So I clicked on Import POI file. The selection slid into the left and the Import POI file slide back out

Round and round in circles....

I then had a look at the My Places n my 6100 and selected all 4 options in turn to see if there are either of my 'imports' and there are none. Just this

I am now considering ditching MyDrive Connect and redownloading it again. This is so very frustrating and it's just as well that I am a patient bloke!
Just to add to my joys I have found now that when I try to use MyDrive in Firefox it throws up 'unresponsive script' messages and hangs everything with the Mac version of the BSOD, the spinning beach ball of death! I have tried to block the Java script to it but it won't work without the script. It makes it totally unusable in Firefox and that is my default browser.
I have put a question on the Mac forum about the possibility of having a separate default browser for MyDrive Connect on my machine, but it's probably not possible. I wish that they had given the web site a different name, but I suppose that it does confuse the enemy, us!!

I am downloading 39 at the moment and I will see if that makes any difference? The problem is that 40 hasn't been on here very long and then a few days later on goes MyDrive Connect and MyDrive web site, so I have no idea if the web page ever worked on 39???

39 has been installed, failed and removed. So no difference at all there?
Don't know what to say.
I am a Windows user but others with a MAC seem to have no problems with the importing of POIs in FF 39.
I have tried it on our iMac as well, bu the problem there is that it's trying, and failing, to download an updated Europe map of over 5 gig! I asked earlier if it is possible to copy that download between my Macs. I haven't taken much time to see what is causing the download problem, just hoping that it's possible to do that copy??

So far I haven't even found the folders for the 1600?
There are no folders. The PC recognises it as a Network Adapter.

I don't know anything about Macs. Because you mentioned it I thought you were using it and then 39.0.3 would have been wrong.
I've just spent almost an hour on the phone to India (via Holland ???) talking to the TomTom help line and the guy was very helpful. He had a look, via remote access, at my system and talked me through the transfer method from the GO 720 to my 6100. He also told me that I needn't touch the MyDrive page on the web and that it was only for folk without the lifetime map/etc updates?

He gave me the link to a page that I haven't seen reference to before

and that, when I clicked on the 'Mac OS X' link took downloaded the program below

I followed the procedure and transferred my Favourites, BUT it told me that my POIs were NOT compatable with my 6100!!! They are the bloody things I want to transfer!!

He also told me that I can only have the map download on one of my macs and didn't need it on both? It is pure chance that I downloaded it to my MacBook or I would have been right peed off when we went away and I didn't have it with us.

Still, as they say this side of the pond 'say la veee' or something like that?

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