Transfer Contacts

Mar 17, 2009
I got a new Tomtom930 and when I transfer via bluetooth my contacts from my Verizon phone it does not transfer all the contacts. I have 78 contacts on the phone and it transfers only 57 contacts. Can someone help me?
Not sure why that would be, but the contact file is just simple, human-readable text. For only 20-odd contacts, you can manually edit it with Notepad.

Connect your TomTom your computer & look in the root 'Contacts' folder.

You should see a file called, 'contacts.txt' Open this in a text editor, such as Notepad. (If for some reason it's not present, you can simply create it, but then you'd have to add all 78 contacts. Ugh!)

Each contact requires a single line. The format is:
where,  [B]TYPE[/B] = [B]CELL, WORK, HOME,[/B] or [B]DEFAULT[/B]
This provides the icon displayed by the entry.

Add any missing contacts, save the file, & undock your TomTom.

The device should automatically alphabetize the list when it displays the contacts. So, if you want frequently dailled contacts to 'float' to the top, append a punctuation character to the front of the name, like this:

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