Traffic in the US. I'm confused


Jan 14, 2008

New 510 owner here. When I click on plus services no traffic items show. If I unclick the option to only show recommended, I see a traffic option but it doesn't list the US as a country. Is traffic available?

Also, what's the RDS Traffic Receiver and does it help and how?

What is everyone's experience with traffic alerts? Useful or not?

Thanks in advance for your help.


I purchased a 720 last night, and I am presently searching for a response to the very question you raised. The other concern/question I have is whether the pricing will be in GBP which is roughly double the US dollar.

I purchased a 720 last night, and I am presently searching for a response to the very question you raised. The other concern/question I have is whether the pricing will be in GBP which is roughly double the US dollar.

Traffic availability is an option that must be subscribed to (read: pay for) on TomTom's website after you set up an account. There is a link there somewhere for US cities that do have coverage.
Yes, what I've learned is that you can get traffic in the US. Go to the TomTom website and log in there and you can get it. I understand that you'll get a free trial of it using your Bluetooth and if you buy the RDS-TMC you get a free year.

We opted to wait and see the instances over the next 3-6 months where we "wished" we had traffic reports and if it's a significant number get it at that point.

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