TomTomForums slow?

Dec 27, 2007
Is it just me, or do others find this forum loads realllyyy sllllooooowwww....?

I visit a half dozen forums daily, and this one seems dog slow. I even have the occasional window time out and have to hit the refresh button before it'll finally load.

Maybe it has something to do with the 100+ people that are online at once (123 people right now...)?
I find that the pages time out a lot - especially if I am opening new tabs of the messages I want to read, instead of opening the message in the current tab. Really slows down the browsing...
The bandwidth does take a beating sometimes but I have too found that firefox helps.
The problem I have with FireFox is the damn thing eats a tonne of memory. After an hour or so of browsing, Firefox is 1/2 in a gig in memory size (this was 2.x). Perhaps I should go back to it - I guess. Although I've gotten used to using the (evil) IE 7.
I agree yesterday was very slow for some reason... I default to FF - only use IE when I have to, but I noticed the slow down also...

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