TomTom XL buggered

Sep 9, 2008
i bought a tomtom xl the other day but i own a car that i like to keep clean with the way it looks so i decided i was going to hardwire my tomtom in so it doesn't look like crap.

long story short i must have stuffed the wiring up and im pretty sure i ran 12v through my tomtom which is supposed to only take 5v ? Ive sent it in for repair but is it as simple as just changing a fuse inside it or is the whole unit dead?
I have no idea, I run mine thru the cig lighter with the car adaptor, I don't even notice the wires where mine sits off a middle vent..........
ive got mine on the windshield in the center but the cig lighter isnt in the conventional place (near the radio ect) its down near my side when i sit in the car meaning the cable travels past my gear stick/ handbrake ect so its quite in the way.

the question i wanna know is if its an easy fix by the manufacturer. because Ive sent it back after overloading it with 12v (unit only takes 5v). im assuming its a fuse...
My ash tray is right behind my shifter and I just put the excess wire into it and that keeps it out of the way of the shifter in the console.....
I'm betting that you "smoked it". The fuse will protect from an overdraw of curent, but not from over voltage. When you get it back (or replace it) I suggest you do the following,,,,
I too wanted to eliminate the wire coming from the cigarette lighter (for a number of reasons, one was cosmetics). So, I opened up my dash and installed a second cigarette lighter power socket on the back side of the dash pannel (on the fire wall) and plugged in the Tomtom cigarette lighter power cord to it. Then it was just a matter of running the wire to the mounting location (in my case a hard mount located just above the radio). The wire has only about 4 inches of exposure (the part you can see) when not plugged into the Tomtom, and it tucks nicely away behind the mount when not in use. I have several vehicals that my Tomtom gets used in, and I have purchased a power adaptor (cigarette lighter style) for each. I used the same "hidden adaptor" technique on my motorcycle, and it works great (hidden under the seat with the wire only exposed at the Tomtom mount).
Good luck!
ok neat. after i fried it i realised i coulda just wired in a new cig lighter behind the dash and plugged it in. ive only had it one week so im hoping its all aces when i get it back. i should have checked what voltages it tok first. i guess theres only one way to learn.

i also want to hide it for same reasons as you. ill give it a go when i get it back fixed hopefully.

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