TomTom Traffic

Aug 23, 2009
I have just joined this forum ( didnt know it existed ) and wondered if anyone can help me.
I have just bought a TomTom xl and subscribed to traffic.The prob i have is that traffic wont come up on my unit. :mad:I can recieve the weather,which by all accounts is harder to get than traffic :confused:.I have been on to TomTom customer care who have not managed to help me one bit,but not through not trying.I cant take the unit back to where i got it because it was a gift that was bought for me by my wife :) when she went away .Any ideas anyone.I am about ready to throw this unit against the wall.
I have just joined this forum ( didnt know it existed ) and wondered if anyone can help me.
I have just bought a TomTom xl and subscribed to traffic.The prob i have is that traffic wont come up on my unit. :mad:I can recieve the weather,which by all accounts is harder to get than traffic :confused:.I have been on to TomTom customer care who have not managed to help me one bit,but not through not trying.I cant take the unit back to where i got it because it was a gift that was bought for me by my wife :) when she went away .Any ideas anyone.I am about ready to throw this unit against the wall.

are you subscribing to plus services traffic which you need a compatable cell phone for traffic.
If weather works, then your phone is fine.

Go to preferences -> mytomtom services. Then re-login with your HOME email/password.

This should alert the Tomtom that you now have a traffic subscription.

First of all thanks for the replies.I have been on the phone every day for most of last week and today to sort this problem out.TomTom customer service have checked my phone compatability and all is fine there.I also have entered my E-Mail Addy and my p/word on TomTom but it still wont work.It keeps giving me the message that my traffic subscription has expired.Well this is all wrong,i only purchased traffic about 2 weeks ago.It has never worked since i purchased it.Customer service says all is fine with the subscription and that as i can recieve the weather i should be getting traffic.I really feel like letting my hammer loose on the TomTom at the mo and buying something different,maybe a Garmin.

Hi Gatorguy
Its the TomTom xl.......No changes what so ever have been made to the TomTom unit or my phone.This one has even got TomTom's customer support confused.
same problem

Hi there - I've had exactly the same problem, and TomTom Support do not appear to be able to resolve this for me. They also report that the problem is being reported by other users. I've been passed on to 'second tier technical support services', etc, etc. I need reliable navigation and am sadly going to move over to Navigon here in the UK. I'm sad about this but....
Have you guys updated a map recently? Look on your unit using Explorer. Do you see two files, traffic.dat and tmccodes.dat in the root showing 0 bytes?

If so, extract from the compressed cab folder on your computer and copy over using Explorer.
Traffic..not so terrific

Hi Markaac
Hi Mark,reading what you have just said here on the forum sounds like something that i could have written myselfe.I too have been passed over to there " 2nd teir tech dept ".Now they are trying to say its my phone settings.Strange one that coz my phone works on my sons tom tom,yet we have the same phone.
I really am beginning to regret getting a TomTom,i shouldve lestened to the man in the shop who said i would regret buying that make of satnav.
I am however going to give TomTom tech a couple of weeks to try and sort this out.After that though i may just show my tomtom a hammer ,then buy a different make of satnav.

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