TomTom Rider2 - Bluetooth Jabra BT8040

Aug 12, 2009
I tried to research this on this forum but got confused. Sometimes, someone starts a thread about the Rider2 and bluetooth and then someone offers a "helpful" suggestion that relates to bluetooth and another TomTom device. Regrettably, going off topic, even slightly, confuses a novice like me because people start talking apples and oranges....

Anyway, here goes: I have the TomTom Rider2 which came with the scala rider headset (USA). I have latest maps and updates for the unit. EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT.

I want to use a regular bluetooth device with this unit when I am in the car using the car cradle. I have the Jabra BT8040.

The Rider2 detects the bluetooth device and asks me if I want to connect. Then it asks for a password which I don't have because this is a headset not phone. Of course, I then get an error message.

Can someone explain how to connect a bluetooth device to my TomTom Rider2 or if it is even possible? Some posts I read say you can do it without explaining how to, but other posts imply you can't. I am so confused.

Can you use a standard bluetooth (normally for a cellphone) headset with the Rider2 or not? And how do you do it?

By the way, when someone says they are using BRAND X bluetooth headset with their Rider2 and can't get it to work, a comment like "I use the same brand bluetooth headset with my TomTom XXX (put in any model number you want) and it works great " you are being VERY UNHELPFUL. Go to the FORUM for that model and post away but in this case, I was being mislead by comments like that because my problem wasn't in the headset, but was in the proper procedure to pair it with the TomTom Rider2. SEE MY SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM IN THE NEXT POST. Keep your comments in the correct FORUM and it will actually help people better.
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LOL.. I figured it out myself

I figured it out on my own.

(1) Turn Rider2 on
(2) Tap Screen to bring up Menu
(4) Advance to Page 7 of 8 on PREFERENCES MENU
(6) At this point two ICONS (Bike Headset and Car Headset) will display, tap "CAR HEADSET"
(8) It will find the Jabra BT8040 (or whatever compatible headset you are using) and then
(9) The screen will change to "HEADSET VOLUME" so select the Volume and tap "CONTINUE" You may also test the volume level on this same screen if you wish
10) The message "THIS HEADSET MAY NOW BE USED" will appear, tap "DONE"

Why was I having so many problems figuring this out? On Page 7 of 8 on the PREFERENCES MENU you are also given the option of selecting "BLUETOOTH PREFERENCES" as well as "CONNECT TO HEADSET". I did not select "CONNECT TO HEADSET" because it shows a picture of the SCALA RIDER HEADSET and I had already paired my TomTom Rider2 with that device.

I selected "BLUETOOTH DEVICES" instead and then "CONNECT TO BLUETOOTH DEVICE". This procedure also found my Jabra BT8040 but the rest of the pairing procedure failed. I assumed I was not pairing properly and I kept trying over and over to get it to work.

LOL. Now that I read some of the other postings on this FORUM from people having problems pairing their bluetooth headset with the TomTom Rider2, I am realizing they were doing the same thing as me. I wonder how many returned their TomTom Rider2 or headset or tried multiple headsets?

By the way, when you next want to use the TomTom Rider2 with your motorcycle you have to go through the same procedure above again. Make sure you put the SCALA RIDER HEADSET in discover mode (hold the button down for 10 seconds until it flashes blue and red).

OH WELL.. live and learn!
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Welcome to TTF and thanks very much for your detailed description, which I'm sure will help others in the same situation.
I just came across this ancient post as I was trying to get my ancient Rider 2 to work with my brand new Cardo PackTalk Bold. The advice given my the OP, knarfoh, back on Aug 12, 2009 STILL holds true! IT was the only way to properly pair the RIder 2 to the PackTalk. If you're still out there knarfoh, thanks!
I just came across this ancient post as I was trying to get my ancient Rider 2 to work with my brand new Cardo PackTalk Bold. The advice given my the OP, knarfoh, back on Aug 12, 2009 STILL holds true! IT was the only way to properly pair the RIder 2 to the PackTalk. If you're still out there knarfoh, thanks!
richsp51...damn... that post is almost 11 years old. Clear out of the blue you took the time to thank me which is greatly appreciated. Few people are as thoughtful as you. When I posted that, I was riding a Honda Goldwing. While I am still very healthy (please COVID-19 stay away!) I switched to a Can-Am Spyder in 2012. I no longer am using a Rider 2. I think the model I am using is a Rider 5 now. Thanks for making my day...I am very much alive and kicking...
Hey knarfoh, good to hear that you're still going strong. Cool that you actually replied!
I was so pleased that I was able to still use the old Rider 2 with my new PackTalk headset, thanks to your post, that I wanted to thank you.
I don't very often use my GPS and although it's 11 years old, it still works for my needs. Now I don't have to immediately lay out another few hundred dollars on a new GPS to get compatibility with the new PackTalk.
Best regards,

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