Tomtom One XL-S SD Card Question

Sep 11, 2008
BC, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom One XL-S
My 1GB of internal memory is almost full. If I copy everything from internal memory onto a 2GB SD Card will it run from there as if it now has 2GB of memory? Also - the auto-routing from my house always uses a small narrow side street to jump across to a main street (on either fastest or shortest route). Is there a way to always avoid this little side street on my routing? Thanks.
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Yes, should work if everything copied to a 2 gig sd card. Can't you use map corrections to block the little street? (and choose not to share the information).
Tomtom One XL-S SD Card

Copied everything to the 2Gig SD card. Works great and lots of space now. New problem - downloaded Dave voice and it will not work, and also garbles the Susan voice, and also wipes out my Favourites list?!? What did I do wrong this time?
Copied everything to the 2Gig SD card. Works great and lots of space now. New problem - downloaded Dave voice and it will not work, and also garbles the Susan voice, and also wipes out my Favourites list?!? What did I do wrong this time?

Did you have a backup prior to doing the copying over to the 2 gig card? If so, copy the Mapsettings.cfg file from the map folder on the backup to the map folder on the sd card. That'll return your favourites.

What exactly do you mean when you say Dave doesn't work? Does the unit see Dave when you try to switch voices? Take a look at the unit's contents using Explorer. Perhaps you dl the file there instead of the sd card. If so, copy the Loquendo folder (where the computer voices reside) to the card and do a pin reset.

If the voices ARE in a Loquendo folder on the sd card, you may want to try to copy the folder to the unit itself. I don't know why but a few users have found the computer voices don't work unless located there.

BUT........before you copy the folder to the unit, check if your battery is fully charged. Computer voices put a strain on the battery.

Anyway.......some things to try.
My 1GB of internal memory is almost full. If I copy everything from internal memory onto a 2GB SD Card will it run from there as if it now has 2GB of memory? Also - the auto-routing from my house always uses a small narrow side street to jump across to a main street (on either fastest or shortest route). Is there a way to always avoid this little side street on my routing? Thanks.

You just need to make sure you have a voice and application on your sd then it will work. You can block a street on your map as well. Join mapshare and it will let you do it. call the tomtom people and ask them to send you a mapshare manual it will explain everything you can do with mapshare. These people are very nice so please be nice to them dont yell at them or swear at them they are just trying to help us. :rolleyes:
Tomtom One XL-S SD Card Questions

I download the Dave voice from TT Home. I go to switch voices and the Dave voice is there. With the test buttom it speaks. Then I select it and check the right boxes. When I test a route it will not speak at all. When I switch back to Susan, her voice tests ok but on a route is all garbled sounding. When I restart my unit it seems to reset to close to the way it was when it first came out of the box. I recopy my backed up files from the computer to the sd card and all woks again (without the Dave voice). Am I missing something or is there a workaround? Also - How do I get it to accept a different starup screen - that seems to load ok but nothing happens. Thanks.
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I download the Dave voice from TT Home. I go to switch voices and the Dave voice is there. With the test buttom it speaks. Then I select it and check the right boxes. When I test a route it will not speak at all. When I switch back to Susan, her voice tests ok but on a route is all garbled sounding. When I restart my unit it seems to reset to close to the way it was when it first came out of the box. I recopy my backed up files from the computer to the sd card and all woks again (without the Dave voice). Am I missing something or is there a workaround? Thanks.

If you mean test your route using Demo, be aware there is no speech if you set the speed for 300% or higher.

Have you tried a pin reset?
TomTom One XL-S SD Card

I downloaded several different startup splash screens from TT Home and could not get any to work. Then I discovered that the file must be named 'spashw.bmp' while TT Home loads files callled 'splash.bmp'. I assume the 'w' indicates wide-screen. It was the following program that solved the problem for me: - Just make sure you cut a little off the top and bottom of the photo first to avoid distortion because it stretches the photo to fit the wide screen.

On my other problem of trying to get the Dave voice to work - still no go. Are there instructions to manually load this voice as well - maybe TT Home is not putting the right files in the right place?
Where is your Loquendo folder located, internal or card? And, do you see a folder in there named Dave? And have you done a pin reset?
TomTom One XL-S SD Card

I have copied everything onto a 2GB SD Card and I assume everything runs from there? I have not done a pin reset - if I do will I loose all my favourites, added poi's and map corrections?
I have copied everything onto a 2GB SD Card and I assume everything runs from there? I have not done a pin reset - if I do will I loose all my favourites, added poi's and map corrections?

Nope.......the only thing you'll have to redo is setting the time. Nothing else is lost.

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