tomtom one version 4 problem

Dec 17, 2009
I am new to this site and new to gps systems. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just got an old tomtom one version 4 from my brother that quit working.

I opened my computer, formatted the tomtom, have installed the software and updated the device.

After installing and updating the device it boots up, the first screen that appears is the language/country selection. I choose english us, then tap yes for english. Then it states, before you start navigating you need to set some preferences, tap the screen anywhere to begin.

It then asks, right handed or left handed, I choose right handed, time format and then actual time.

After entering selections, and picking Lori, english us as the voice, no maps found is displayed on the screen.

Do I just need to connect to tomtom home and purchase maps?

Originally i was getting the unable to store settings, file access error was displayed.
When connected to computer, viewing the drive in my computer, it just shows up as a drive, it does not have the red tomtom icon like it did before formating and installing and updating.

Is this a problem?
Did you make an Explorer backup prior to formatting? Did you install a map? When you use Explorer and look at the contents of the unit, do you see a specific map folder (like USA_Canada) with lots of files in it?
Did not make an explorer backup. I just got off the phone with someone at TomTom and they sent me the map, downloading now.

Hopefully this will work, and if it does I will make a backup.

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