Tomtom One v4, audio out

Sep 28, 2008
I've just purchased a Tomtom One v4 (2008) and it seems to be a great unit with one exception - no audio out.

I was hoping I could just take the thing apart and add a headphone jack myself but this is proving to be difficult as I can't seem to see any easy was of taking it appart, ie no visible screws to undo.

Main reason I want audio out is to use it on my bike. Has anyone else added a headphone jack to theirs?

Or at least how do you take the thing appart?
No one has ever done this before. I wouldn't recommend it. Looks like a unit with a external audio output like the 720 may suit your needs.
I have not opened a tomtom. But I figured it has a speaker and 2 wires must be going to that speaker.. someone handy with electronics should be able to do it. i.e. extend the speaker wiring to the outside of the tomtom one.

Non-invasive approach maybe be to get something that can 'listen' to the tomtom speaker and amplify it to external audio unit. Maybe similar to 'telephone amplifiers' with audio pickup stuck at back of tomtom.

Or better yet experience text-to-speech and get a 930.. it has an audio output.. even have fm transmitter.
Thanks for your reply gerryc, the v4 seems much harder than the model in the link that you posted. I think the only hope for audio out with this unit is headset support. It's pretty annoying as the unit has bluetooth capabilites but Tomtom have chosen not to provide headset support in the software.

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