TomTom One V2 Hard Mount/Install?

Nov 24, 2007
Hi Guys,
I just picked up a TT1 LE from Best Buy on Black Friday. I'm looking for a way to mount it in my 2003 Jetta GLI with a dock like set up. I want to attach a "dock" to the dash and feed power to it from the 12v cigarette lighter. I'd like the whole thing to look clean and for me to easily be able to pop the TT1 in and out. Has anyone already undertaken something like this? I found a few docks on ebay called home docks for USB charging on your desk and I was going to hack up one of those and patch it into the 12v line through the car charger. Any thoughts or tips before I start making a mess?

Thanks Pedro,
That gives me some good ideas, but I'm not quite sure how to adapt that to the TT1 instead of the Go. Also I'm looking to do something a little more subtle. I have an ipod dock that I fab-ed for my car and I was looking to do something similar and really low profile.
Thanks for your help.
-Deeps offers 2 different device mounts for your vechile.




If you want it to be low profile, I assume you would want the 852808 model.

Then Proclip also offers the ONE mount - part # 215188

Thanks Again

Thanks for the ProClip links they give me some good ideas for how to mount the TT1. The problem I've struggled with with the proclip mounts is how to integrate powering the TT1 through the proclip mount. I'm not a fan of wires running around my car and was was looking for a mount with a bottom with a build in USB charger that I could run covertly to the bottom of the cig lighter. I'm also trying to achieve a mount where no one can tell it's there if I take the tomtom out. I go to school in a less than desireable part of Chicago where people will break into your car if you leave $.30 showing. So I've scrapped the dashboard dock idea and am now thinking of making a dock for the slide out cup holders that could be hidden when the tomtom is removed.

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