TomTom One Series 30 Doesn?t work after update

Aug 25, 2008
Hi guys,

This is my first time here and I am hoping you can help.

Yesterday I deceided to try the TomTom website for map updates to my recently purchased TomTom One Series 30 (Europe). I installed TomTom Home and followed the on-screen instructions to download some updates that were available. I followed the instructions to the letter and once the updates were installed, I disconnected the unit as instructed. Now when I turn it on I just get a screen with an orange square that has a picture of the unit and a flashing cross next to it. :mad: I have tried installing again etc etc The unit does not have a reset button, and I have tried the 15 second on/off button holding trick to reset but I get the same thing. Unfortunately I am not too great with technology and as TomTom home didn?t tell me to make a backup before updating, I didn?t do it. Please help!!!!!!!!!


Use Explorer to back up the contents of your unit, not Home. Make sure hidden files/folders are showing as are extensions for known files types.

Then, you can try to use Explorer to delete all files in the root of the unit (NOT FOLDERS). Connect to Home. Check for Updates and it should offer the application again. If so, accept it and let it install.

What seems to have happened is you disconnected too early in the process without giving the unit time to write changes to internal memory. The proper way is to use Home's menu option to Device--Disconnect. Even then, do NOT do so when it says it's safe to do so. Make sure you see the progress bar on the screen of the unit go all the way across. Then wait till the unit's screen asks if you want to connect to the computer. Say 'no' and THEN power off.
Thanks dhn for the advice, I?ll give it a try this afternoon.

Just a couple of questions (Sorry, I get totally lost with IT stuff). When you say "Then, you can try to use Explorer to delete all files in the root of the unit (NOT FOLDERS)" what exactly do you mean? Is this when I open the drive of the unit, all the files I can see that are not within directories?

I disconnected the unit using the Device-----Disconnect option, and unplugged it when it said it was safe to do so, but obviously it was a little too early.

I think I will probably give the support line a call aswell as the unit is less than a month old so I hope that they should want to help out also.


How did you get on? I tried this but didn't work.

TomTom working fine until update (Mac OSX10.5). Like you I didn't make back up before updating: would be a good idea to prompt for back-up whenever updating.

Where can I download a back-up file?
Hi, I too updated my TT one Series 30 and had the same problem with a system failure and a flashing X. It seems the instructions for updating, when followed, cause the problem. I'm now very dubious about updating. I got my unit working again by formatting. I followed the instructions provided by the Tom Tom website support, but it took me hours to do it - what a serious waste of time. I think Tom Tom should take more care over their instructions to ensure there is no ambiguity or misunderstandings. ... R.W.
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similar trouble but won't connect

i also have the "flashing X" . . .

when i connect my TomTom One (3rd ed)

- the computer attempts to connect to the unit (i.e., autoplay dialog box) but hangs and hangs and then stops. it does start the TomTom home application.
- windows xp assigns a drive letter (although it only identifies it as a "removable drive") but when you click on the drive it just freezes the computer.
- consequently i cannot backup the unit (or for that matter complete the format).
- i tried rebooting the machine with no luck.
- i tried resetting the TomTom with no luck.

argh. any suggestions? i tried a different computer with the same results. i checked in my hardware setup and the TomTom device is there and enabled.
The only thing I can think of right now is to try to use a different usb port for the connection, one in the back of the computer if you can.
I came to this forum while looking for help following a complete collapse of my tomtom following the latest updates (I'm running Mac 10.5.5 on a Macbook, and installed them yesterday). I've tried the various suggestions above, via multiple rests, formatting new SD cards etc etc. Nothing works. The closest I got to old levels of function was a screen telling me there were no maps installed even though they were plainly there on the device. It now just sits there with two red hands and totom beneath doing nothing. I seem to be getting the standard level of help from them i.e. zero. Has anyone get any other ideas apart from buying a competitor product?
Can you use Finder to remove all loose files in the root of the unit, then start Home, click on Update, and dl and reinstall the operating system?

Do a complete backup using Finder, not Home, first.........
Can you use Finder to remove all loose files in the root of the unit, then start Home, click on Update, and dl and reinstall the operating system?

Do a complete backup using Finder, not Home, first.........
After many wasted hours I now have an earlier version of my device working. After various attempts of using windows and mac machines, the following worked

-reformatted the SD card on the windows machine
-reset the device
-reinstalled the tomtom system from tomtom home (version, this only worked on the mac not the windows machine)
-install the original Western Europe maps not the new ones I bought in July.

Those latest and supposedly much better maps have been a big letdown in other respects. Many details of roads and places in Ireland and the UK which were correct on the old version were simply wrong and out of date on the new version. Some of the errors were dangerous e.g. encouraging the driver to turn right across a dual carriageway when there was a lefthand slip road and flyover for right turns.

Tomtom customer service was very poor in responding to queries and their ultimate response was "use mapshare to correct it"! I'm not sure why they think it is customer friendly to degrade a product in certain important ways, sell it as new and enhanced, and then tell the customer to fix it. The new maps seem like ?50 down the toilet (and no, they weren't in the business of refunding my money when asked)
i finally called TT and was surprised at how prompt they were (i.e., no long wait time). they tried to work me thru the support options on the web site which i had already tried. it's now going in for repair/replacement. i will post any further info.
i also have the "flashing X" . . .

when i connect my TomTom One (3rd ed)

- the computer attempts to connect to the unit (i.e., autoplay dialog box) but hangs and hangs and then stops. it does start the TomTom home application.
- windows xp assigns a drive letter (although it only identifies it as a "removable drive") but when you click on the drive it just freezes the computer.
- consequently i cannot backup the unit (or for that matter complete the format).
- i tried rebooting the machine with no luck.
- i tried resetting the TomTom with no luck.

argh. any suggestions? i tried a different computer with the same results. i checked in my hardware setup and the TomTom device is there and enabled.

Be careful here - my original 910 had occasional connections problems, including corrupting my config file when it crashed my computer, and then it managed to take a motherboard down also.

If you unit is newer (less than 30 days) - return it. If under warranty - consider sending it for a repair/replacement.

If neither - make sure you have a complete backup image of your computer just in case it takes it down also.

Will it let you right click on the unit so you can open properties? if so, you might be able to format it without trying to read the "drive)" (which seems to be freezing your computer).

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