Version: TomTom ONE (4N00.004)
While on vacation in Florida, this device just suddenly stopped working. It turns on and off fine, but when I turn it on, it gives a graphic telling me to take out the SD Card (and an X on the SD Card). I took it out, then it tells me to put IN an SD Card. So I put in the original TomTom ONE blue SD card, and it again tells me to take it out.
I have several SD Cards, so I tried a 1gb SanDisk SD Card; formatted it FAT32 and put it in. It tells me to take the SD card out. I tried formatting it FAT16; same thing.
I downloaded TomTom HOME. I put the original SD Card in, attached the USB cable, and turned the device on. Windows Vista recognized it as TomTom One device, and asked me to name it so it can sync. I left the name default: TomTom ONE. TomTom HOME seems to not be able to find the device; Windows Vista found it and installed proper drivers, but TomTom HOME cannot seem to connect to it. I'm running this under "Run as Administrator Mode" also. I checked the troubleshooting, and it says that the TomTom device should ask if I want to connect to the computer; this never happened. However, the computer recognizes it... Why isn't HOME recognizing it?
I inserted the original TomTom ONE SD Card into the computer. It told me that I have to format it to even use it. TomTom HOME doesn't even open the SD card as it should (based on "using a card reader" troubleshooting). So I format this original SD Card as FAT32, then Vista can access the SD Card.
I put it back into the TomTom ONE device, and it once again tells me to pull out the SD Card. I plugged the USB back in, and Windows Vista tells me that I can open the I: Drive (i.e. the TomTom SD Card which is inserted into the TomTom ONE). I open it, and it seems like the TomTom device is working as a HUB. TomTom HOME still refuses to recognize it.
What's going on? Any help? Tips?
NOTE: I reset (15 seconds holding the reset button) several times between the troubleshooting I've been following (as seen above).
EDIT2: I have the TomTom USA and Canada v675.1409 Maps on my computer [downloaded].
While on vacation in Florida, this device just suddenly stopped working. It turns on and off fine, but when I turn it on, it gives a graphic telling me to take out the SD Card (and an X on the SD Card). I took it out, then it tells me to put IN an SD Card. So I put in the original TomTom ONE blue SD card, and it again tells me to take it out.
I have several SD Cards, so I tried a 1gb SanDisk SD Card; formatted it FAT32 and put it in. It tells me to take the SD card out. I tried formatting it FAT16; same thing.
I downloaded TomTom HOME. I put the original SD Card in, attached the USB cable, and turned the device on. Windows Vista recognized it as TomTom One device, and asked me to name it so it can sync. I left the name default: TomTom ONE. TomTom HOME seems to not be able to find the device; Windows Vista found it and installed proper drivers, but TomTom HOME cannot seem to connect to it. I'm running this under "Run as Administrator Mode" also. I checked the troubleshooting, and it says that the TomTom device should ask if I want to connect to the computer; this never happened. However, the computer recognizes it... Why isn't HOME recognizing it?
I inserted the original TomTom ONE SD Card into the computer. It told me that I have to format it to even use it. TomTom HOME doesn't even open the SD card as it should (based on "using a card reader" troubleshooting). So I format this original SD Card as FAT32, then Vista can access the SD Card.
I put it back into the TomTom ONE device, and it once again tells me to pull out the SD Card. I plugged the USB back in, and Windows Vista tells me that I can open the I: Drive (i.e. the TomTom SD Card which is inserted into the TomTom ONE). I open it, and it seems like the TomTom device is working as a HUB. TomTom HOME still refuses to recognize it.
What's going on? Any help? Tips?
NOTE: I reset (15 seconds holding the reset button) several times between the troubleshooting I've been following (as seen above).
EDIT2: I have the TomTom USA and Canada v675.1409 Maps on my computer [downloaded].