tomtom map update error

Jan 3, 2008
So im not very happy right now. I tried to make a backup using the HOME software and it wouldnt work (this program has waayyy too many bugs). So after that wasnt working i decided just to go ahead and update. Well i updated it and it downloaded the file but while installing it said it couldnt make a folder and stopped the setup. Now if i turn on my tomtom it just sits on the splash screen and wont do anything unless i press the reset button. i went to try and install the update again but its not working. please help. im going to call tomtom today and tell them how i feel about this.:mad:
If you've made a backup before, you can restore to a previous state using the Backup/Retore button in HOME

Or, you can also select " Add Maps, Voices, etc" button, then select the arrow to take you to the next page, and then select "Items On My Computer"
- I would reinstall the TomTom Application
-Then I would reinstall the maps on our computer

Once you've done that, then you should be working again. Once you check that the TomTOm is again working, you can try to update it.
the problem is i dont have anything backed up, i look at the "Items on my computer" and looks like everything is on the device except for the USA/Canada map. but if i go to the drive it looks like half of the install for the new map is there but it was interrupted half way. only way i can fix this is to call tomtom and get some help from them.
Follow this procedure to restore TomTom to original state (all modifications will be lost, tho!)

1) Turn OFF TomTom HOME --> i.e. right click on the icon in the lower right start menu tray and click EXIT
2) Plug in and turn on you TomTom to your PC
3) Format your TomTom using Windows Explorer and FAT (not FAT32!)
- You format by running windows explorer and right clicking on the
TomTOm icon. In the Menu, click on FORMAT
4) Run TomTom's clearflash tool: >>> Clear Flash Tool <<<
5) Now run the TomTom HOME program
- It should detect that you don't have any TomTOm Application
If it does, install the TomTOm App and then skip to the next step

- If it doesn't detect you don't have the Application, then go to the
main page of TomTom HOME. Click on Update my will scan,
and then give you the option of installing the TomTom APP...install it.

6) Once the TomTom App is installed, go up to the menu and choose the
"Latest Map Guarantee". TomTom HOME will detect what device you have
and give you the option to download the maps that came with your
device (i.e. USA_and_Canada and Guam)...install them

You should now be back to your original setup.
hey that is great news, hopefully i can get it back and running. what is the clear flash tool? the link you provided only takes me to the help page for tomtom. (Unfortunately due to a problem, we cannot serve you the information you requested. Please try again in a few moments.)

EDIT: Nevermind... after some google searching I found a link for it. This is the link if you wanted to update your how to..
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wow this is not good, tried to format and at the end of the format it said could not format. now im stuck with it even worse... wow. im returning this tomorrow.
just returned my tom tom today with it completely f**** up lol, ah well got every penny back and now im on the hunt for a new GPS... anyone have any ideas. I'd like to avoid using tomtom home so i guess that limits me from buying another tomtom.. whats good for around 200 or less....?

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