TomTom IQ routes

Oct 29, 2009

Just a quick curiosity question with TomTom IQ routes, i understand that its effectively data collected from TomTom users, and that it appears to be updated when I connected with TomTom home.

Does the IQ routing continue to get updated after the first 30days of maps have expired?

The first 30 days is just the window of opportunity for a new user to grab the latest available map. It doesn't have anything to do with IQ routing data.

That data is imbedded in a map and is of historical nature. It is not updated by a user downloading a file using Home in the way a user can download mapshares.

In other words, the IQ routing data in the now current 835 maps will be superceded by more up-to-date data when the 840 maps are released within a few days.

What does it mean? All things being equal, a 840 map user will get better IQ data than a 835 map user and, therefore, better routing info.
Thanks for the information, I was just trying to determine if the IQ routing was embedded in the maps (which it is) or if its not in the maps and in a separate file.

I think its frustrating that the maps are so expensive, I haven't updated yet so I'll get the new map update before my free 30 days expire :)

Out of curiosity, do you know roughly how often new maps are released? Just curious :)

Thankyou for your prompt reply.

About 4 times a year. The last (835) was released August 20th and 840 is due on or about November 20th.
IQ Routes

What are IQ Routes? after recently updating the US Map my TT 920 was giving us destinations options like
LINCOLN NE (ASHLAND), LINCOLN NE (SEWARD), LINCOLN NE (WAYSIDE), and we could not type in just plain LINCOLN NE as a destination. I deleted the US map and loaded ver: 815 and that solved the problem. I think I had Ver: 835 loaded......
What are IQ Routes? after recently updating the US Map my TT 920 was giving us destinations options like
LINCOLN NE (ASHLAND), LINCOLN NE (SEWARD), LINCOLN NE (WAYSIDE), and we could not type in just plain LINCOLN NE as a destination. I deleted the US map and loaded ver: 815 and that solved the problem. I think I had Ver: 835 loaded......

This was basically asking you which LINCOLN NE you wanted to goto....This has nothing to do with IQroutes at all..

Multiple named towns in the same state will cause this confusion.

For example, there are two Edgewoods in Maryland. So in my Tomtom I always have to selected Edgewood (Bel Air South) versus the other one that I cant recall the name of currently..

It does get annoying but its not IQroutes or even really the maps fault. But in all seriousness you should probably know where you are going. If I was going to Edgewood and hit the wrong one and it said my ETA was 6 hours I would assume something isnt right before I drive that far. Or for example just know..."Ashland, thats the one"....

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