TomTom HD traffic ?

Jan 5, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
GG 720

I am interested in the HD traffic feature of the new tomtoms. I am not clear on how it communicates with the TomTom servers. Does it need to use your mobile phone to do it, or does the device itself to it completely - if so how.

Also do u know if this is a subscription based service or is it free with the devices?



Thanks for your help that was great.

Do u know how we'll it really works? Worth the extra cost?

I don't know how well it works in Australia, but it works very well in the UK, far better than the alternative RDS-TMC system that uses a plug in aerial and gets its data over FM radio stations.
The accuracy is better and the number of roads covered is far higher in HD Traffic.

The only disappointment we've had in the UK is that, a while after it was launched, there was some very bad weather one winter which generated a LOT of reports of snow problems. That put the usage over the data limits that TT had agreed in their contracts with their data carrier (Vodaphone).
To get round that (without paying more!) the reports you receive are now "filtered" to only include a smaller radius from your current location. It goes up and down, but I think it's currently about 80-100 miles.

TT argue that doesn't matter because by the time you get that far way, the traffic situation will have changed, but sometimes you DO want to know about major issues a long way away as it may affect which motorway you decide to use right at the beginning of a journey.

Having said all that, so far that's really not affected me personally, and I've found HD Traffic amazingly useful many times, even just for deciding which way to go to work in the rush hour.

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